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Weekly Report

ChihYi Leu

  • bug 1306505 - [webvr] Implement mochitest: VRDisplay.exitPresent must only be allowed by content that started VR Presentation
    • land
  • bug 1311802 - [webvr] Implement Mochitest: onvrdisplaydeactivate should only trigger for content that is presenting
    • wip

Daosheng Mu

  • bug 1299937 - [webvr] Support HTC Vive Haptic Feedback
    • land
  • bug 1349067 - WebGL crash: [mozilla::gl::GLScreenBuffer::GetReadFB]
    • r+
  • bug 1349055 - WebGL: crash [@mozilla::WebGLContext::AssertCachedGlobalState]
    • wip
  • bug 1348382 - WebGL crash: [@mozilla::dom::WebGL2RenderingContextBinding::framebufferTextureLayer]
    • r?
  • bug 1326376 - Crash at GLScreenBuffer::AssureBlitted while clone CanvasClientSharedSurface
    • r?
  • bug 1349414 - Allow updating VR controllers at the non-presenting mode
    • land

Ethan Lin

  • bug 1349497 - Always create layer for nsDisplayBackgroundColor
    • r+
  • bug 1349500 - Add webrender support for BulletFrame path type
    • study
  • bug 1350792 - Add fuzzy for R7 reftests when using WR border layer
    • r?

Jerry Shih

  • Support MacIOSurface video buffer
    • bug 1347062 - Use texture handle directly for video with webrender
      • r?
    • bug 1348684 - [WR] Handle external GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE handle in WR
      • r?
  • Support DXGIYCbCrTextureHostD3D11 video buffer
    • bug 1351187 - [WR] Try to use 1 image key for all yuv planes.
      • wip

Kevin Chen

  • bug 1343754 - gfx-labeling Label runnables in gfx rendering.
    • r-, WIP
  • bug 1343479 - gfx-labeling Label runnables in apz.
    • land
  • bug 1343758 - gfx-labeling Label runnables in gfx vr.
    • land
  • bug 1350828 - gfx-labeling Label for CompositableFowarder
    • WIP
  • bug 1160157 - non device reset startup forced crash in mozilla::layers::SyncObjectD3D11::FinalizeFrame()
    • WIP

Morris Tseng

  • bug 929484 - Make HTML table frames (including row/cell/etc. frames) create their own display list items
    • wip

Peter Chang

  • bug 1344079 - Add webrender support for ColumnRule
    • r?
  • bug 1345017 - add sample animation support
    • split patches for review

Vincent Liu

  • bug 1314543 - Crash in mozilla::gfx::FeatureChange::AssertSanity | "unexpected type tag"
    • r+
  • bug 1347098 - Crash in mozilla::gfx::DrawTargetD2D1::factory
    • ni?
  • bug 1347617 - Memory disclosure in ConvolvePixel
    • r+/sec-approval
  • Label runnables in gfx modules
    • bug 1343475 - Label runnables for platform-independent widget
    • bug 1343484 - gfx-labeling Label runnables in gfxFont
    • bug 1343486 - gfx-labeling Label runnables in gfxPlatform

Rule of Thumb

Status code: debug/wip/PTO/feedback/review/land/study