Thunderbird/Driver Meetings/2010-02-16

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  • dmose


  • need to get back in the habit of taking notes for these meetings to keep folks not on the phone in the loop
  • 3.1
    • XXX dmose to get to realsim convo Weds
    • Ludo to flag bugs from UX priority page with [uxprio]
  • 3.0.2
    • 1 bugs remains; dmose to review post-meeting
    • Standard8 to annotate bug list with test-only/build-config only
    • next steps
      • builds to happen today + tomorrow
      • smoketesting
      • push to beta channel
    • patches landed
    • builds probably not available until end of this week
    • maybe push next week
  • tb2 -> tb3 upgrade
    • Ludo to announce upgrade day; request help hosting
  • new blocker nomination proposal
    • idea: constrain who can nominate bugs to block to make blocker list more manageable?
    • Ludo to create list of strong, regularly support & QA contribs who will have nomination access
    • dmose to review plan, forward to drivers for further comment
  • tb-planning
    • mailing list plan under review
    • Standard8 to look at today