Thunderbird/Driver Meetings/2010-10-05

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Agenda & Notes

  • Account Provisioning
    • blake driving
    • dmose to draft human-readable privacy policy today
  • 2.0 EOL
    • New text published on more pages.
  • 3.0 EOL
    • 3.0.4 -> 3.1.4 Pushed out
      • last week 124k users, this week 119k.
      • unclear why numbers have gone down; suspicion is that folks have turned off updates
    • [todo] Standard8 to drive experimenting with revising start pages to inform users about old/unsupported versions to provoke more updates
    • [todo] Standard8 to draft announcement and pass round drivers then tb-planning.
  • 3.2
    • Standard8 needs to document flags
    • Otherwise still waiting for branching decision based on account provisioning.
  • Trunk
    • PPC nightly builds suspected broken (bug 600965)
      • Really should follow MoCo with 32/64 bit nightlies.
      • Build already has two 64 bit capable macs - need spinning up (and packaged-tests would then be useful).
    • Various dogfood issues, possibly including gloda & file locking; dmose to investigate & file
  • 3.1.x and 3.0.x
    • Went with globally disabling plugins in TB 3.1.x (via pref).
    • Builds now being spun and progressing to beta channels.
  • Anti-Virus Vendors
    • (outstanding) Standard8 planning to set up mailing list to inform partners, who have sounded receptive in initial discussions.
  • Advertised major updates
    • 3.0 -> 3.1.x:
      • 11th Aug @ 10%, 13th Aug @ 25%, 25th Aug completely unthrottled.
      • 7th September: Major updates removed due to 3.0.7 release.
      • 3.0.8 -> 3.1.4 available manually from 17th Aug
    • Suggest unthrottling 3.0.8 -> 3.1.4 on Tuesday 28th as then that will mean they will have had a 1.5 weeks to upgrade
      • Standard8/rebron to write/publish 3.0 EOL announcement
    • 2.0 -> 3.1.x:
      • 18th Aug @ 10%, 31st Aug @ 20%
      • -> 3.1.4 available from 17th Aug
    • % ADUs across each build:
Date 2.0 3.0 3.1
11 Aug 47.7 33.2 19
30 Aug 40.5 15.7 43.8
7 Sept 34.1 13.1 52.2
13 Sept 30.7 12.7 56.6
20 Sept 28 12.7 59.3
27 Sept 25.8 12.5 61.7
4 Oct 24.3 10.6 65
  • may wait for 3.1.5 to unthrottle further in order to catch mac topcrasher, image problem, initial space problem fixes; Standard8 to decide
  • Roland to work on Support article on making 3.1.x like 2.0.x
  • Conversion funnel
    • retention numbers similar to funnelcake 1
    • next step: prep for funnelcake 3 (probably as part of 3.1.5)
    • Rafael to talk to MoCo metrics team re funnelcake dashboard


roland, Standard8, bienvenu, Ludo, dmose, gozer