Thunderbird/Driver Meetings/2010-12-14

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Agenda & Notes

  • Account Provisioning
    • Release on Messaging Labs blog in the next small number of days
  • Trunk
    • Currently starting to think about what we want to get into 3.3x and planning around that. Thunderbird:Thunderbird_Post_3.1_Plan, Thunderbird:UX/Priorities
    • Next alpha will be early January.
    • Startup time
      • blocker bug exists to ensure that we don't regress 3.3
      • Standard8 will land omnijar soon, may be enough to satisfy that constraint
  • Stability & Security Releases: 3.1.x and 3.0.x
    • 3.1.7 and 3.0.11 released.
    • End of life for 3.0.x nightlies planned for Wednesday, see mail list for details.
    • 3.0.11 -> 3.1.7 probably to be unthrottled before Christmas, depending on what uptake is like.
    • Ubuntu is currently upgrading users from 3.0.x to 3.1.7.
    • Ludo to talk to other distros suggesting the same
    • -> 3.1.7 refresh this week.
  • Anti-Virus Vendors
    • Trend Micro interested in whitelisting mechanism for executables. Will be pushing Firefox to flesh out more details of what this is.
    • (outstanding) Standard8 planning to set up mailing list to inform partners, who have sounded receptive in initial discussions.
      • Need to think more around what MoCo have said, and how it affects what we want.
  • Advertised Major Updates background
    • 3.0 -> 3.1.x:
      • 11th Aug @ 10%, 13th Aug @ 25%, 25th Aug completely unthrottled.
      • Throttled and unthrottled at various times to according to releases.
    • 2.0 -> 3.1.x:
      • 18th Aug @ 10%, 31st Aug @ 25%, 28th Oct completely unthrottled
    • Consider using more aggressive upgrade text on old 2.0.0 version start pages
    • % ADUs across each build:
Date 2.0 3.0 3.1 Notes
11 Aug 47.7 19 33.2
30 Aug 40.5 15.7 43.8
7 Sept 34.1 13.1 52.2
13 Sept 30.7 12.7 56.6
20 Sept 28 12.7 59.3
27 Sept 25.8 12.5 61.7
4 Oct 24.3 10.6 65
11 Oct 22.8 9.7 67
18 Oct 22.0 9.1 68.4
25 Oct 20.8 8.7 70.5
1 Nov 17.7 8.3 73.9 ADUs were down (Europe on Holiday
Low/weekend figures tend to have lower 2.0 ADUs.
The day after was 18.8% on 2.0.
8 Nov 18.1 8.3 73.5 Suspect rise is due to the fact we've got "full" ADUs this week.
15 Nov 17 8.1 74.9
22 Nov 16.5 7.6 75.9
29 Nov 15.9 7.2 76.9
6 Dec 15.3 6.9 77.3
13 Dec 14.9 6.7 78.3
  • Still users moving across but slowing down. 3.1.7 will "refresh" offer - for 2.x users today, for 3.0.x users probably next week.
  • Conversion funnel
    • Funnelcake 3 appears to be a 6% improvement from Funnelcake 1. rebron working on more detailed understanding of numbers.
    • Funnelcake 4 currently targeted at January 6th


rebron, Ludo, gozer, Standard8, bienvenu, dmose