Thunderbird/Driver Meetings/2011-02-01

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Agenda & Notes

  • Account Provisioning, Open Search, & priorities
    • waiting for updates from legal
    • bwinton driving Thunderbird + add-on download
    • one provider wants server-side changes that can't roll out until June; bienvenu to pow-wow with other davids on next steps
    • Standard to circle around with bwinton on OpenSearch details
  • Trunk
    • 3.3a2 released
    • Currently working on communicating all-hands decisions to tb-planning.
  • Stability & Security Releases: 3.1.x
    • 3.1.8 out to beta, release ETA 8th.
  • Anti-Virus Vendors
    • Hope to pick up again this week.
    • LegNeato says that notifications now happening after fx builds
    • gozer to track down buildbot hook, see if we can re-use
  • Advertised Major Updates background
    • 3.0 -> 3.1.x:
      • 11th Aug @ 10%, 13th Aug @ 25%, 25th Aug completely unthrottled.
      • Throttled and unthrottled at various times to according to releases.
    • 2.0 -> 3.1.x:
      • 18th Aug @ 10%, 31st Aug @ 25%, 28th Oct completely unthrottled
    • Consider using more aggressive upgrade text on old 2.0.0 version start pages
    • rebron to try to find apples-to-apples numbers for percentage left on Tb2 in the Fx world
    • Standard8 to consider more after the all-hands; probably less focus on driving 2.0 updates going forward
    • % ADUs across each build:
Date 2.0 3.0 3.1 Notes
11 Aug 47.7 19 33.2
30 Aug 40.5 15.7 43.8
7 Sept 34.1 13.1 52.2
13 Sept 30.7 12.7 56.6
20 Sept 28 12.7 59.3
27 Sept 25.8 12.5 61.7
4 Oct 24.3 10.6 65
11 Oct 22.8 9.7 67
18 Oct 22.0 9.1 68.4
25 Oct 20.8 8.7 70.5
1 Nov 17.7 8.3 73.9 ADUs were down (Europe on Holiday
Low/weekend figures tend to have lower 2.0 ADUs.
The day after was 18.8% on 2.0.
8 Nov 18.1 8.3 73.5 Suspect rise is due to the fact we've got "full" ADUs this week.
15 Nov 17 8.1 74.9
22 Nov 16.5 7.6 75.9
29 Nov 15.9 7.2 76.9
6 Dec 15.3 6.9 77.3
13 Dec 14.9 6.7 78.3
3 Jan 13 6.1 80.9 ADUs down due to holidays
10 Jan 13.2 5.9 80.9 3rd Jan numbers were affected by holidays where we tend to see more 3.1 users.
17 Jan 12.8 5.8 81.4
  • Conversion funnel
    • have builds for funnelcake 5, focus on getting specific feedback on soon-to-be-made download page web content changes
    • will schedule release after we determine & make exact set of changes for the download page


  • gozer, Standard8, rebron, bienvenu, dmose, clarkbw