Thunderbird/Driver Meetings/2011-03-29

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Agenda & Notes

  • Account Provisioning, Open Search, & priorities
    • Planning to bundle these two things for a larger test group
      • Before all-hands if possible, otherwise after
      • Standard8 getting repacks going with OpenSearch
      • rebron waiting on legal clearance for distribution page font hosting question bug 644844
    • Beta 1: Account provisioning
      • Blake is implementing the new UI
    • Beta 2: Open Search
      • Bryan is implementing the new UI.
  • Miramar (3.3)
    • Mostly waiting on Account Prov/Open Search
    • 18 blockers on the list. Will try and grab time with folks to triage nominations list at all-hands.
  • QuickLook
    • Feels like this needs quite a bit of work at the moment; probably not a blocker for Miramar
  • Stability & Security Releases
    • 3.1.10 schedule is now up
    • Code Freeze tomorrow
    • Blockers/migrate/approvals questions if we have time
    • Contains updater fixes, plus the sqlite upgrade (should fix top crash, may be able to confirm this in 3.3a3 crashes first).
  • Conversion funnel
    • On hold; sancus has made progress on download page; rebron hopeful for funnelcake release post-all-hands


bienvenu, bwinton, dmose, gozer, Ludo, rebron, Standard8