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Thunderbird Meeting Details : Cancelled


Action Items




Thunderbird 3 Beta 2

  • For reference, Gecko 1.9.1b3: Jan 13 Code Freeze, Jan 15 QA, Jan 26 Release according to their plan.
  • clarkbw is release driver
  • gozer is build engineer
  • Slushy string freeze from: Thursday 29th January 23:59 PST (1.5 weeks)
  • Firm string freeze and slushy Code freeze from: Tuesday 3rd February 23:59 PST
  • Firm code/string freeze from: Thursday 5th February 23:59 PST
  • l10n-mozilla-1.9.1 freeze from: Sunday 8th February 23:59 PST

(blocker numbers etc updated Monday)

  • We need to drive bugs with large string changes, e.g., archive, auto config, activity manager. Some way of marking bugs needing strings would be useful.
    • Archive patch landed.
    • Activity Manager is awaiting a new patch from Emre.
    • AutoConfig bug 422814.

Thunderbird 3

  • time to truly clamp down and ship sooner rather than later, even at the cost of substantial feature cuts
  • we need to get everything tracked in bugzilla
  • we will now have component drivers so that people actually own keeping subsets of bugs well-triaged
    • dmose to propose component assignments tuesday
  • things to file & triage:
    • component drivers: blocking+ / blocking? bugs
    • davida: development roadmap
    • clarkbw: UX bugs from last weeks meeting
    • dmose: message reader bugs, tb3needs bugs
  • new triage rules
    • to stay on blocking+ list, a bug must be owned by someone, even if that's (temporarily) the component driver
    • for each triaged bug on the blocking list: owner, target milestone, priority (P1 - P3; will be used to move bugs if milestone added)
    • criteria for blocking+: if this were the last blocker, we would make all of our users wait even longer for the existing changes in order to get the fix for this one?
  • to think about:
    • when do we branch? (i suspect immediately after b2)
    • when do we lock down the branch for only blocking+ and approved+ (i suspect a couple of weeks after b2)
    • how do we want to handle existing wanted+ bugs? (throw them off the list?)
    • when should we target having the first round of filing / triage done? (1 week from Tuesday?)
    • There will be a TB 3 beta 3 (milestone created in bugzilla)

QA Updates


Status Updates

  • driver discussions w.r.t. 3.0b2
  • planning FOSDEM trip
  • UX discussions w/ clarkbw
  • trip to MV to sync up with labs folks
  • recover from bad laptop experience
  • Triaging more often now since Mozmill in TB is sort-of working now.
  • Patches, triage, bugday, etc.

Non-goal activities:

  • Reviews
  • bug 126491 Drop "Card for:" on address book contact preview panes (part of the Card -> Contact rename).

Two week goals (start of week 2):

  • Finish driving in Password Manager
    • LANDED!
    • Fixed regressions/problems:
      • bug 437635 (Multiple Master passwords again), bug 473973 (Calendar gdata issue), bug 474277 Incorrect use of real versus original usernames (caused at least some imap problems).
    • Outstanding regressions/problems:
      • bug 473715 LDAP fails in autocomplete
      • bug 474115 Unknown, reporter is unclear (possible failure points are fixed afaict)
  • Implement send in background
    • Currently fixing/reworking code/interfaces to provide an improved server/listener type format so that we can have one service where everything "send later" related happens, and decent feedback for the UI e.g. activity manager.
    • Looking to get at least a turned-off by default version into the code this week.
    • bug 473458 Clean up nsIMsgWindow arguments on some functions so that we don't need a msgWindow for the send later code.
    • bug 473740 Tidied up the service, dropped the intermediate nsIMessenger functions.
  • Investigate Weave pop-tart system
    • Started to look at, may be difficult for passwords, but could easily do for prompts. Probably worth integrating with the interactive status bar.
  • Try and get initial numbers for Ts to see if we can enable jemalloc.
  • Back from vacation
  • Massive burnage now mostly under control, summary of events:
    • NAS throughput problems [worked on]
    • Power outage at MPT Colo
    • VM Disk Corruption
    • Blue Screening win2k builder [ reimaged builder ]
      • Drupal security advisory
      • Eats 100% CPU and 100% RAM sometimes
      • Being spidered by Yahoo/MSN/Google/others doesn't help
    • Networking instabilities (timeouts)

More organized update next week.

  • triage tab bugs and update meta bug 392328
  • triage tags/labels bugs and update meta bug 432710 (if any are missing, they would probably be in this query
  • bugday
  • herding crash bugs
philipp / Calendar
  • Calendar is heading towards automated testing with mozmill. First test in bug 474322. Needs build system integration though (bug 457265).
  • Calendar blocking list needs triaging to cut down needed effort for a 1.0.
  • Exams Jan 30th and Feb 2nd.
  • I need a definitive answer what features are being cut to find out which areas to focus on.
  • Will prepare blog post talking about new leadership.

  • About complete with the en-US pages for the web site redesign. Wrapping up this week.

Two Week Goal

  • Distribution plan.
  • Continue work on Support/Help plan.
  • Beta 2 work.
