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Current Release Schedules
Thunderbird 3.3 Alpha 2 Thunderbird 3.1.7 & 3.0.11
  • Code Freeze and build start: 14th Jan (tentative)
  • Release: 20th Jan (tentative)
  • Code freeze: 23rd Nov 23:59
  • L10n freeze: 23rd Nov 23:59
  • Builds start: 24th Nov
  • QA with builds start: 29th Nov
  • Beta period starts: 30th Nov
  • Final release: 9th Dec

Thunderbird Meeting Details :

Remember to press *1 to unmute yourself before talking!

Feel free to ask questions in the meeting either by speaking up or by asking them in #maildev on IRC.


  • Who's taking minutes? --> Ludo
  • Minute taking Schedule. Talk to davida or dmose for schedule changes/additions.
  • Note: this meeting is for interactive discussion. Feel free to ask questions!

Action Items

Friends of the Tree

Conversion Funnel (Priority 0 side project)

  • Funnel cake 3 after 20 days gives us a 92% retention rate. Inline with Funnel cake 1 - 2 retention after same time period.
  • Fine graining numbers coming up (ie os etc e.g. 11% users on Mac OS X and 33% on Windows XP).
  • Germany seems to retain more.
  • Q what numbers can we compare to ?
    • previous Funnels
    • Firefox
    • Rafael to try to find some numbers out.

Thunderbird Development

For more details, see also the driver meeting notes.

Feature Work

Account Provisioner:

  • Contracts almost done.
  • Code done.
  • Should be ready to release by next Tuesday.

Pluggable Mail Stores (bug 402392):

  • two test failings


  • Thunderbird Conversations slated for release on 2010/12/07, with blog post on mozilla labs, screencast, updated AMO page, lotta screenshots, twitter announcement (please retweet), and the whole shebang.
    • Expecting a lot of feedback!
    • :protz currently slightly busy now, will continue bugfixes and improvements, for future alpha releases in sync with Thunderbird 3.3 alpha releases (gallery view, bugfixes, improved quick reply...).
  • Updates for Mailing List Manager, Contacts on deck.
  • Sync Add-on further out.

Trunk (Miramar) Development

  • Active branches.
  • Next Alpha: Early January.
  • Help on fixing blockers would be very useful and appreciated, see this list of higher priority bugs.
  • blocking criteria :
    • Alpha 1 -> Serious usability issues.
    • After -> not real criteria, regression/usability issues as usual.


  • Decision on if/when we'll do 3.2 on hold until we progress account provisioning further.

Thunderbird Stability & Security Releases

  • Doing a quick respin (build 3) to fix a regression that affects Theme add-ons.
  • 3.1.7(build2 out on the beta channel) and 3.0.11 to be released on Thursday.
  • 3.0.11 is the last release fro the 3.0.x branch
  • End Of Life (EOL) for 3.0.x.
  • Doing build3 for 3.1.7 - small change - on schedule for Thursday release
  • Bug Lists: 3.1, 3.0
Major updates to 3.1
  • Nothing this week.

QA Updates

  • Had the dupme event last week
    • 2 people showed up at the second session (and one found a duplicate !!)
    • Regular #tb-qa people at the first session
    • Nobody new at the last session
    • Notes and docs that need to be cleaned up are up at Thunderbird:Testing/Workshops#Past_events
    • Had a few more ideas of workshops
      1. How to use bugzilla ?
      2. How to gather stack traces and log files
      3. Getting started with mozmill
  • The change from announced weekly event, 1 day in the week to more loosy 1 event per week didn't really work out - we will go back to one day event per week - need to communicate that and get it rolling.
  • Should probably advertize extensions a bit more with what to test etc ...

Marketing Updates

  • Press Update: going to push on conversion view more today - early articles 1, 2, 3, should increase Miramar pickup
  • Total ADUs: Thunderbird 2.x is 15% of total users, about 6.6MM total Thunderbird ADUs and holding steady with over 85k downloads a day.
  • This week:
    • Add-on Con 2010 this Wednesday and Thursday, will demo all of our Labs add-ons
  • Add-on contest still in our plan, need to find the proper timing.

Infrastructure Update

  • Buildbot 0.8 upgrade this week!
    • Thursday December 9th / 9am - 1pm Pacific
  • New hardware is on site, waiting to plug it in
    • includes lignting stuff
  • SSL for Spreadthunderbird
    • https is usable
    • drupal module installed to have auth done over https.
  • Mozilla Messaging organization now on GitHub

Build / Release Update

Web Update

  • Couple website fixes and ispdb fixes coming up
  • Still blocked on broker/account provisioning stuff for second provider~
  • Looking into bug 600367 this week and more ispdb bugs



(If you support Thunderbird or write documentation to help support Thunderbird, please subscribe to the tb-support-crew mailing list and briefly introduce yourself to the list)

  1. 423 new support topics +17% from last week (363 last week; this week is still a bit down from normal, American Thanksgiving lingering effect?)
  2. 3.1 Support Issues
  3. Congrats to Firefox launching Kitsune KB last week.
    • Plan to switch SuMoMo to Kitsune KB in 1Q or 2Q2011.
    • Wiki page and tracker bug coming soon!
  4. Investigating Web Trends analytics for SuMoMo (not as detailed as Google Analytics on first glance e.g. missing country by country analytics)
  5. about:support addon is now at 0.40 with condensed plain text output - Thunderbird support contributors: please give it a try. Thanks to sid0 for excellent work and code!
  6. See this week's Support Appendix for full Get Satisfaction metrics and other support details

Lightning Updates

  • Nothing special this week from the code side, been working on getting chromebug working with partial success.
  • The Website Team successfully migrated all support articles from to the Mozilla Messaging Support Knowledge Base
  • A few contributors are already localizing these new pages

Status Updates

See the Mozilla Status Board for status updates specific to developers.

Roundtable Highlights


Fallen, dmose, standard8, bwinton, davidB, gozer, jhopkins, roland, ludo, rebron