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Current Release Schedules
Thunderbird 3.3 Alpha 3 Thunderbird 3.1.8
  • Code freeze: 18 Jan 23:59
  • L10n freeze: 18 Jan 23:59
  • Builds start: 19/20 Jan
  • QA with builds start: 21 Jan
  • Beta period starts: Week of 24 Jan
  • Build 2 starts: 7th Feb
  • Build 2 Beta period starts: 8th/9th Feb
  • Final release: 1st March

Thunderbird Meeting Details :

Remember to press *1 to unmute yourself before talking!

Feel free to ask questions in the meeting either by speaking up or by asking them in #maildev on IRC.

Other ways to get in touch with us can be found on our communications page


  • Who's taking minutes? --> Standard8
  • Minute taking Schedule. Talk to davida or dmose for schedule changes/additions.
  • Note: this meeting is for interactive discussion. Feel free to ask questions!

Action Items

Friends of the Tree

Thanks to our Friends of the Tree When adding someone to this section, please get their T-Shirt size and send it to so that he can send them a shirt!

Conversion Funnel (Priority 0 side project)

  • Funnel cake 5, pending release of 3.1.8 and updates to download pages.
  • 40% to over 50% ISPDB success rate. Top missing domains:,,,,,,,,,

Thunderbird Development

For more details, see also the driver meeting notes.

Feature Work

Account Provisioner:

  • Contracts continue to be worked on.
  • Standard8 is working on making a version that's bundled with TB for wider testing.
  • Bryan and I are implementing a new UI with both free and paid account options.

Search Integration:

  • "Integrating web search facilities into the Thunderbird UI"
  • Once version of the add-on made up, currently experimenting with the UI
  • Possibly releasing first version next week.


Thunderbird Conversations
  • FOSDEM conference, see
  • Patches for Gecko submitted, patches for Thunderbird in the works (all improving Thunderbird Conversations somehow)
  • Added content sniffing to figure out who did the action for get satisfaction emails as well as github emails
  • Feature work + heavy refactoring
Compose in a tab
  • High demand for it at FOSDEM
  • Rewrote half the code to make it use thunderbird-stdlib
  • Huge amount of work required to make it on par with the standard composition window.
  • Planning on rewriting the other half soon so that other people can use a working prototype and start hacking on it. Will drive the experiment up to the point where's it's roughly usable as a drop-in replacement, and then will issue a call for participation.
Thunderbird Sync
  • No progress this week

Trunk (Miramar) Development

  • More info about 3.3 going on tb-planning within the next day or so.
  • Active branches.
  • Help on fixing blockers would be very useful and appreciated, see this list of higher priority bugs.
  • blocking criteria :
    • Alpha n -> Serious usability issues.
    • After -> no real criteria, regression/usability issues as usual.

Thunderbird Stability & Security Releases

  • 3.1.8 being respun due to a crash regression, revised release date of 14th.
  • Bug Lists: 3.1

QA Updates

  • Ongoing work in bugzilla
  • Ongoing testing work
  • Our tester's mailing list is where we announce testing events.

Marketing Updates

Infrastructure Update

  • Calendar has their very own buildbot master now
    • l10n repacks are almost working (yay to Fallen)
  • Outage

Build / Release Update

Web Update



(If you support Thunderbird or write documentation to help support Thunderbird, please subscribe to the tb-support-crew mailing list and briefly introduce yourself to the list)

  1. 670 new support topics (don't know why it's up,normal is 400-500)
  2. 3.1 Support Issues
  3. Getting Started with Get Satisfaction (to close the "Answerer Loop"), a guide for those who are new to support, have given a few good answers and want to know how to support others better will ask new GS contributor jeffgman for feedback - Working on a similar Getting Started Guide for Thunderbird writers (to close the "Writer Loop") who have written great replies or modified KB articles and want to know how to go the next level and write more and better KB articles
  4. See this week's Support Appendix for full Get Satisfaction metrics and other support details

Lightning Updates

  • Lightning is back on track regarding trunk (1.1a1pre) nightlys, thanks to bug 591744 being fixed.
  • We are on the verge of being able to provide localized Lightning nightlys (bug 346278)
  • 3 bugs before String freeze, all are awaiting review (which are due Thursday). If things work out I will string freeze starting next week.
  • Fallen will talk to Trendmicro about whitelisting on Thursday

Status Updates

See the Mozilla Status Board for status updates specific to developers.

Roundtable Highlights
