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Thunderbird Meeting Details :

Remember to use headphones and mute yourself when not talking

Feel free to ask questions in the meeting either by speaking up or by asking them in #maildev on IRC.

Other ways to get in touch with us can be found on our communications page


  • Who's taking minutes? --> mconley
  • Minute taking Schedule. Talk to Standard8 for schedule changes/additions.
  • Note: this meeting is for interactive discussion. Feel free to ask questions!

Action Items

Friends of the Tree

Thanks to our Friend of the Tree. When adding someone to this section, please get their T-Shirt size, phone number (needed for shipping!) and send it to that she can send them a shirt!

Thunderbird Development

Feature Work

Test Pilot
Filelink (Big Files)
Instant Messaging
  • Handling the feedback received after the release of Thunderbird 15 with instant messaging.
  • Currently investigating how we might aggregate previous conversation logs into all-day chunks. See bug 787149.
  • Adding unit tests!
Modern Address Book
  • More refinements and testing since last week (see the commit log for the dirty details)
  • The next step is to write the code that stores contacts in the SQLite database, and allows us to search for various things
  • Work on this is mostly paused while I address bug 787149.

Google Summer of Code Projects

All wrapped up. We're going to do a post-mortem sometime in the next few weeks to discuss what happened, what's landed, what still needs to be done, etc.

App Tabs for Thunderbird
Improving GMail Integration
Get ISPDB into Production
'No reply' reminder for Thunderbird

Schedule and Progress

  • Probably going to roll a 15.0.1, because we're seeing some crashes that we're not too jazzed about
    • Might be able to get a few other fixes in there as well.
  • Next merge date: 8 October
  • For information about channels, point people here -
Beta Version

Extension of the week

  • Dropbox for Filelink. Use your dropbox account to send large attachments in Thunderbird.

QA Updates

  • Ludo wrote a "day in the life of Ludo" to tb-planning with questions, ideas, etc - please comment!

Marketing Updates

  • Working on MozCamp still - we're almost there!
  • We had positive press coverage for our launch last week! The chat feature was well received.
    • It was a "no brainer" launch, with positive feedback.
    • It was nice to see people notice that Thunderbird is *not* dead.

Build / Release Update

  • If you haven't seen it already, unit tests are busted on try
    • There's a patch up to fix it, and that'll hopefully get out today.

Web Update



Lightning Updates

Status Updates

See the Mozilla Status Board for status updates specific to developers.

Roundtable Highlights

  • There might be one more MozCamp update tonight from Anne-Marie regarding stuff happening in Warsaw. Stay tuned!
