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Thunderbird meeting notes 2015-08-11. NOON PT (Pacific). Check for meeting time conversion, previous meeting notes and call-in details


Pegasus_RPG, wsmwk, mkmelin, rkent, makemyday, clokep

Action items from last meetings

  • Get release documentation into wiki

Friends of the tree

Current status and discussions

Critical Issues

Leave critical bugs here until confirmed fixed. If confirmed, then remove.

  • status TBD - bug 1182629 - update to 38.1.0 from 38.0.1 re-enables disabled Lightning
  • status TBD - bug 1176399 - Multiple master password when GMail OAuth2 is enabled
  • status ??? - bug 1176748 - Someone needs to add additional main thread proxies to the migration code.
  • bug 1131879 - Disable hardware acceleration (HWA) is back on the table

removing from critical list/fixed:


  • Past
    • 38.0.1 nominally shipped 2015-06-12
    • 38.1.0 shipped 2015-07-10
    • 31.8.0 shipped 2015-07-17
    • 40.0beta shipped 2015-07-27 (skipping 39.0b)
  • Upcoming
    • 38.2.0 (~ 2015-08-10)
    • 41.0beta (~ 2015-08-10)


Past releases:

Upcoming releases:


  • Still need help rewriting SUMO help articles on Lightning

Round Table

Jorg K (won't attend)

  • bug 368915 - C-C: change language in subject (language button), waiting for Magnus.
  • bug 772796 - M-C: Editor, TB papercut, patch suggested, Ehsan will complete.
  • bug 1186141 - C-C: Disable Outlook import (landed)
  • bug 1188306 - C-C: CSV address import broken in TB 38 (landed)


  • Instantbird will be doing a release off of 42
    • Whose approval do we need to uplift chat/ patches?
  • Reminder: Chat / Instantbird bugs now use the Gecko version as "target version"
    • Need to ask for "versions" to be updated
  • bug 1193438 is busting IRC (and I suspect XMPP) on aurora


  • discussed reviewers
  • what is Thunderbird all about/great at?
    • promoter of open protocols: imap, carddav
    • strength on multiple accounts/unified view
    • should end-to-end encryption be part of our mission

Question Time

With Mozilla's increased focus on mobile, are they yet putting resources on CardDAV sync (for FFOS?) If so, would they need to interface with us? Would this put some fire on the Address Book re-factor stuff we've been long talking about? Answer: FFOS has its own mail client (different target device resources) so likely wouldn't benefit from any CardDAV work we do. If the code is JS that's not necessarily true?

Support team


  • Note - meeting notes must be copied from etherpad to wiki before 5AM CET next day so that they will go public in the meeting notes blog.

Action Items

Help Wanted