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Thunderbird notes 2015-09-22. NOON PT (Pacific). For meeting time, previous notes and call-in details see


  • rkent, JorgK, aceman (no mic), mkmelin, MakeMyDay, clokep, jcranmer, marcoagpinto

Action items from last meetings

  • Get release documentation into wiki

Friends of the tree

Current status and discussions

Critical Issues

Leave critical bugs here until confirmed fixed. If confirmed, then remove.

  • needs assignee after solution identified - bug 1196662 not checking mails after hibernation, caused by core bug 1178890 (and we may be seeing other issues from 1178890, like hangs) - Aryx is on it and the fix should be now in m-c.
  • aceman is assignee - bug 1183490 - (dataloss) New emails do not adhere to sort by order received
  • status TBD - bug 1182629 - update to 38.1.0 from 38.0.1 re-enables disabled Lightning
  • status TBD - bug 1176399 - Multiple master password when GMail OAuth2 is enabled
  • status ??? - bug 1176748 - Someone needs to add additional main thread proxies to the migration code (jorgk and m_kato have in previous years been the major drivers of fixes)
  • topcrash bug 1149287 is ** 31% of our crashes** - see below

removing from critical list/fixed:

Critical for TB42 and beyond:

  • bug 1193200 - Blocker: Permissions manager/Remote content exceptions - Magnus and Aceman looking into it.


  • Past
    • 38.0.1 nominally shipped 2015-06-12
    • 38.1.0 shipped 2015-07-10
    • 31.8.0 shipped 2015-07-17
    • 40.0beta shipped 2015-07-27 (skipping 39.0b)
    • 38.2.0 shipped 2015-08-14
    • 41.0b1 2015-09-08 build2. missed ~2015-08-10
    • 41.0b2 (with uplifts for 38.3.0)
  • Upcoming


Past releases:

Upcoming releases:


  • Still need help rewriting SUMO help articles on Lightning

Round Table

Jorg K


  • I finally got around to get commit privileges! ;)
  • trying to understand the silent downconvert to plain text bugs (like bug 414299, bug 1204379)


Will be testing a try build of the above Aceman work Looked good so far, bur there are many combinations of failure to test continuing...


  • Discussions with Postbox
  • Discussions with Pretty Easy Privacy
  • Discussions with Mozilla (Mark Surman gone silent again)
  • m.d.s.policy proposal to remove S/MIME certificate support
  • Thunderbird HTML/JS version discussion


  • Still behind on reviews
  • Poked on some JS code
    • Asuth asked after an NNTP client, so I'm throwing something together there quickly
    • WebIDL TCPSocket landed, Worker TCPSocket should be soon!
    • I've got some prototype low-level code to be able to rewrite NNTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP over TCPSockets, retaining features like non-UTF-8 8-bit email, protocol logging, etc.
  • You can now use testing-only modules on Mozmill tests!

Question Time

Support team


  • Note - meeting notes must be copied from etherpad to wiki before 5AM CET next day so that they will go public in the meeting notes blog.

Action Items

Help Wanted