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Thunderbird 7.0 issues

Not so minor

  1. usability problem: folder and address book panes may seem "gone" after accidentally collapsing them resulting in you not seeing any addresses in your address book or your folders (workaround, drag the not obvious splitter in the far left to the right if you are on Windows or Linux or pre Lion OS X or trying to restore address book name pane on Mac OS X Lion or if you are on Mac OS X Lion and need to restore the Folder Pane: Tools | Error Console type: window.parent.opener.document.getElementById("folderPaneBox").removeAttribute("collapsed") and then click Evaluate); geeky workaround that requires editing of localstore.rdf - fixed in TB 10 in in bug 609245
  2. Click OK does not close address book entries after editing contact, if picture has been removed or location has changed - [bug 691141]
  3. Login failure Apple iCloud for new iCloud accounts (old MobileMe accounts appear to work) - [bug 694753]
  4. address book won't save changes if .mab file has Hidden property set (which happens after a TB upgrade sometimes) - [bug 609074] - this bug has been around since TB 3.1
  5. Thunderbird 7 disables attachment downloads in podcast / RSS GS

Minor issues or issue fixed in TB 8 or future release

See Thunderbird 8 User Changes Page

(not in order, numbered only for convenience; minor = no dataloss or non dataloss mac and linux problems since only 5% or less of TB users are mac or linux)

  1. Insert | Insert Characters and Symbols... doesn't work on Mac or Windows TB7, workaround hack the abctajpu add-on's max Version so it works in TB7 - [GS] - [bug 690267] - REGRESSION, fixed in TB8 and TB7.0.1
  2. Dragging attachments to Desktop creates "undefined" files in Thunderbird 7.0 on Mac OS X - works fine on Windows - [fixed /dragging_attachments_to_desktop_creates_undefined_files_in_thunderbird_7_0 GS ] - [bug 683093] - WORKAROUND - save attachment via buttons/menu options - fixed in TB8 beta 2
  3. Clicking write after selecting a TB mailing list doesn't bring up a Compose window with the mailing list pre-filled in the TO field - REGRESSION [bug 690522] - patch written & will land in TB8 Beta 3 - WORKAROUND - fill in mailing list name in TO:, CC: or BCC: field
  4. TB7 sorts messages by From too slowly - [bug 690707]
  5. Cannot open JPEG attachment in Compose Windows after attaching it - [bug 682639] - REGRESSION, patch landed for TB 8 Beta 3

Add-on Issues

Add-on meta issue

If a user updates Firefox or Thunderbird while there is an add-on update waiting (automatic or manual), that add-on will be uninstalled. - [bug 680802] - FIXED in TB 7.0.1

The following is an incomplete list of add-ons that have issues in Thunderbird 7. Please add to this list add-ons that have issues and if you find an add-on has been updated and works with Thunderbird, please strike it out using <del></del>

(not in order,numbered for convenience)

  1. lookOut add-on not yet compatible with TB7 - [GS] - it's compatible now supposedly!
  2. ESET V5 is supposedly still not compatible with Thunderbird 7

See Also