Thunderbird:Testing/Weekly events

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Welcome to the bugzilla weekly event

Bugzilla weeklies are here to maintain the Thunderbird bug database. They are a replacement of the Bug days with two major changes. The first is that they happen on longer periods so people can participate when they have time to. And the second big major change is that they are going to be more focused than most of bugdays were.

To participate you'll need :

  • a bugzilla account
  • some time
  • the ability to read and write in english.

If you need help, have questions just follow this link to reach us on #tb-qa on Note that we might be online but might not be reading the irc channel so stay a bit before deciding that nobody is answering and leaving.

Event Themes will be announced in and below.

  • 2010
    • Week 35 (30st August -> 5th September)
    • Week 36 ( 6th September -> 12th September)
    • Week 37 (13th September -> 19th September)
    • Week 38 (20th September -> 26th September)
    • Week 39 (27th September -> 3rd October )
    • Week 40 (4 October -> 10th October)
    • Week 41 (11th October -> 17th October)A
    • Week 42 (18th October -> 24th October)
    • Week 43 (25th October -> 2sd November)
    • Week 44 (3rd November -> 10th November. )
  • 2011