Unified Telemetry/Status reports/November 4 2015

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previous weeks report

Unified Telemetry status report November 4, 2015

Overall Project Health

Last week: Green

This week: Green

Exec Summary

  • 42 is Live, unified telemetry at 100% (w00t)
  • Working on road map and ownership proposals, including meetings with stakeholders
  • Planning Mozlando sessions (HEKA deep dive, telemetry overview)
  • Working on onboarding materials
  • Reduce Developer Pain project (schemas, linking parts of pipeline and toolchain)


Description of Risks/Issues State Owner Plan to Resolve/Mitigation Target Date
V4 data validation Open Sam Waiting for more data; blocked on V2 outage. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rvbCyVSzBsexer-0G7HdR_l1DczKAJdjzChxv0MjYco/ 10/10
Data continuity across V2/V4 Open Katie/Mark/Trink Plan, Metabug 11/14
Legal review Open BDS/Legal Meeting between groups 10/10
QA sign off (functional, load) Done Stuart Telemetry/Testing 8/24
Operations - data retention requirements Open Travis/Katie Eng team owes ops a doc defining ping types and data retention requirements 10/10
Remote about:healthreport content In progress Georg Kicked off localization. 11/2
Budget, size of UT pings In progress Mark/BDS Waiting for release data to spot any problems. https://metrics.services.mozilla.com/telemetry-budget-dashboard/ 8/10
Analysis difficulty Open Katie/tbd Roadmap has several items related to this, need to consolidate as a project 11/2
Access to the 5% sample Done Sam/Roberto Sam is using sample for Addons analysis 8/10

Accomplished for Last Period

please see http://benjamin.smedbergs.us/weekly-updates.fcgi/project/firefox-measurement

Planned for Next Period

please see http://benjamin.smedbergs.us/weekly-updates.fcgi/project/firefox-measurement

  • Meet with Growth team to understand work required to transition to v4
  • Meet with Marketing on product metrics
  • Georg worming on mobile telemetry redesign
  • Data continuity tiger team meeting this week (separate updates)
  • Derived streams for october
  • Ping size/budget work

meetings with other teams

Team initial sit down (informal) second meeting (formal) PRD? notes
iOS done TBD Barb working on PRD Dev track started
loop/hello Done TBD unknown if required Create UT data set
Fennec done done

Requests from other teams

Description State Owner Notes Target Date
FireFox OS In process Mark App/FTU pings in pipeline; next step is to load redshift tables Q4
Hello In process Katie Creating a derived stream: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1181876 Q4
FxA Activity Event data for retention metrics In process whd Initial data set made available, still need to automate: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1207015 Q4

Important Links/References