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« Back to Update:Remora

  • complete forum integration
    • add-on views
    • amo data in vanilla pages
  • complete load testing (already on schedule)
  • completing l10n for static content (already on schedule, but we need to determine dependencies)
    • getting forum l10n completed
      • fix code for msgids that start or end with an underscore
      • replace occurences of str_replace in the forum code by sprintf
      • fix string flagged as "fuzzy"
      • fix discussion links in cake (/en-US/)
      • remove reviews from the display addons sidebar
  • finalizing dynamic l10n method (helper, component or model-based? combination of all three?)
  • updating existing mvc to work with dynamic l10n
    • changing views
    • changing models
    • changing controllers
  • v2 parity
    • services complete (already on schedule)
      • update
      • blocklist
      • pfs
    • ratings and reviews complete
      • add review
      • view reviews
    • maintenance script complete
    • navigation
    • roles/permissions
    • approval queue workflow complete
    • preview image upload
    • other-app support
    • hash computation at upload
    • user info page
  • get policies sorted out
    • dev agreement
    • disclaimer, privacy stuff
    • install.rdf constraints
    • spyware
    • etc.
  • styles complete
    • html-ification of mocks
    • design/styles for pages that aren't done yet
  • admin pages
    • adding the dynamic l10n component to scaffold
    • pagination and search for all CRUD pages for large N
    • browse links by name at top?
  • developer pages
    • index
    • add
    • manage
    • edit
    • editversion
    • previews
      • manage
    • users
      • edit info (done)
  • reviewer pages
    • approval queue
      • main listing
      • individual review pages
      • history
      • prioritization
      • discussions?
    • reviews
      • write editor reviews
      • manage submitted reviews
      • troll management