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Hi! I'm Flaki, web & mobile dev, early adopter, freeskate fanatic, NFC fan (no, that has nothing to do with any National Football Championships). I am a mozilla rep & Firefox OS developer evangelist/consultant in Budapest, Hungary.

If you are looking for someone to ask about Firefox OS, (Open Web) App development, just drop me a tweet.


Contributions, talks related to mozilla (mainly Firefox OS & app development).

Please note, several of these are in hungarian.

Promise-ok és ES6 használata Firefox OS alkalmazásokban (hungarian)

Hungarian talk at a Firefox OS workshop about using Promises and other EcmaScript 6 ( features in Firefox OS applications development.

About Firefox OS (video interview, hungarian)

Interview at the mozilla booth during Telenor Hungary's Okostelefon Akadémia (smartphone academy) event. I mainly talk about Firefox OS, values of the open web, and mozilla's plans, going forward, building the "open web as the platform".

Check-in Fox - a Firefox OS FourSquare client

Winning entry on Telenor Hungary's Firefox OS developer challenge in "social" category.

Játékfejlesztés Open Web technológiákkal (hungarian)

Presentation at Mozilla Hétvége, a weekend with mozilla & Firefox OS workshop. A talk and overview about HTML5 gaming, Open Web API's and more.