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Ramilton Costa Gomes Júnior
Ramilton Costa Gomes Júnior
Personal Information
City: Ilhéus
Country: Brasil
Mozilla-specific Information
Wiki-Username: Ramilton
Mentor: User:Lennoazevedo
Miscellaneous Information
private Mail:
GPG-Key: {{{gpg}}}
Website: [ Ramilton's Website]
Twitter: @profRamilton [1]
IRC: Ramilton on in
#mozilla-br, #firefox-br, #marketing, #mozillians


About me

Master in Computer Science in computer modeling by UFES, expert in Cryptography and Security Specialist UFF-RJ and Bachelor of computer science from the UNIFENAS-MG. I am lecturer at IFBA, where Minister discipline the databases and system analysis. Organized the event "Primeiro Encontro de Software Livre do Extremo Sul da Bahia", also participated in events as a speaker.

Language Supported: Brazilian Portuguese

Mozilla representative


Monthly reports

Here are the monthly reports of this user:

<ul><li>"User:Lennoazevedo" is not in the list (User:Vineel, User:Vikingkarwur, User:Kinger, User:Majken, User:Nukeador, User:Ppapadeas, User:Rami, User:Deimidis, User:Wquiviger, User:Xelawafs, ...) of allowed values for the "Mentor" property.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Gpg" (as page type) with input value "{{{gpg}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>

<ul><li>"{{{sigmentors}}}" is not recognized as a Boolean (true/false) value.</li> <!--br--><li>"{{{sigpr}}}" is not recognized as a Boolean (true/false) value.</li> <!--br--><li>"{{{sigmarketing}}}" is not recognized as a Boolean (true/false) value.</li> <!--br--><li>"{{{sigdev}}}" is not recognized as a Boolean (true/false) value.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Sigsumo" (as page type) with input value "{{{sigsumo}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Sigqa" (as page type) with input value "{{{sigqa}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>