User:ThomasB/Some suggestions about i18n

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Please consider that I do not speak English very well :(


I’m working on, a French-speaking Mozilla community site. We provide to the Mozilla user community various services such extensions translated into French, search engine for find toolbar in order to advance the Mozilla usage in french-speaking countries. All these services are provided for free.

I have planed to rewrite from scratch in July/August (in June I will have a lost of exams) but I think I must work in UMO 2.0 and i18n.

-An extension could be translated by creating a directory /fr-FR/ (for example). Unfortunately some extensions could not allow that and we need to create an extension only in French = bad extension. Therefore, when a user uploads his extension we can parse directories to find which language are available.

-In the extension, description is not localisable so in UMO’s administration the author will be able to enter a description into every language.

-I do not know how save and display comments. In each language like (if I look the documentation in French I see English comments).

-UMO needs to be valid (HTML or XHTML compliant).

-To promote new technologies I think displays statistics (or other things) in SVG is great.

-No more "Notice" with error_reporting(E_ALL);

Do not hesitate to contact me !

--Thomas 06:18, 29 May 2005 (PDT)