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Meeting Notes

  • BatteryAPI
    • Mounir working on more backends. Only android finished.
    • Linux backend close but needs testing
    • For now we might need to rely on manual testing
    • Bent's patches for testing telephony might let us
  • Camera
    • Fabrice has patches to do basic desktop UI (bug 692955)
    • Getting incoming bug reports on android. All known issues fixed
    • Waiting for UI mockups from Boriss
    • Fabrice or Anant will be breaking out the neccesary WebRTC code
  • Telephony
    • Have our own code making calls on B2G.
    • Includes turning radio on, getting on network, placing call
  • IndexedDB
    • Going through and filing bugs for things we're not doing per spec
    • New version API is going through reviews
  • AppCache
    • Have a reproducable testcase where we're failing