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WebAPI Meeting Details

  • Tuesday 2012-09-25 - 10:00 am Pacific
  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 98413
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 98413
    • US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 4000) Conf# 98413
    • US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x4000 Conf# 98413
    • US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x4000 Conf# 98413
    • US/Oregon/Portland: +1 971 544 8000, x4000 Conf# 98413
    • CA/British Columbia/Vancouver: +1 778 785 1540, x4000 Conf# 98413
    • CA/Ontario/Toronto: +1 416 848 3114, x4000 Conf# 98413
    • UK/London: +44 (0)207 855 3000, x4000 Conf# 98413
    • FR/Paris: +33 1 84 88 37 37, x4000 Conf# 98413
    • Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
    • SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number
  • WebAPI Vidyo Room / SF-Golden Gate (3rd floor) / Toronto-Spadina
  • Join irc.mozilla.org #webapi for back channel

Notes will be taken on etherpad: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/webapi-meetingnotes

  • Jonas
    • B2G scheduling meetings
    • next date is totes for realz, yo
    • unsure what actual date is, yet
    • security model work is almost complete
  • Bonnie
    • Working on bug 792952 B2G wifi scanning.
    • Patch for JS side of bug 792952 uploaded and currently being reviewed.
    • Working on the C++ patch for 792952.
  • Mounir
    • all assigned P1/feature blockers complete
    • localstorage/cookies removal when uninstalling an app
  • Andrea
    • 792471 accessing properties in window.navigator crashes browser - done
    • 793310 Support sms:, tel: and mailto: URI schemes - working on it right now
    • 793311 crash in nsDOMFileFile::nsDOMFileFile - done
    • 794102 isInstalled should return an app object - waiting for review
    • 703612 Make DBUS calls asynchronous to prevent slowness because of DBus daemon being overloaded in Battery API UPower backend - waiting for review - no priority - done just for fun
    • 761479 XMLHttpRequest with mozAnon=true should still send explicitly passed username + password - landed
    • 779982 Change behaviour of getSelf and add amInstalled function - done
  • Ben
    • working on clear private data
      • Can now tell which app a msg is coming from in JS
      • => when we get 'clear private data" messages from an app, we'll now know which app's data to clear
    • should be finished with clearing IDB private data today
  • Doug
    • added 'apps' device type to device storage
    • working through some of the issues of device storage usages
    • next going to implement the proper security/prompting in device storage
    • need a way to test
    • Geolocation accuracy on the otoro is bad.
    • dclarke will create a wiki page with best practices for testing permissions and send to list
  • David Clarke
    • with Martijn, writing lots of tests for vibration, power, settings, device storage (+1)
  • Rob
    • Added first set of WebSMS tests (Bug 792495)
    • Added more WebTelephony tests (Bug 792494)
    • Working on more WebSMS tests
  • Geo
    • Putting together mochitest suite from recent sprint. Have ~10 WebAPI areas accounted for. Will work with overholt this week to arrange review.
    • Perms: conversation last week with sicking, ddahl, and lucas gave us more info about how the APIs work with the permissions manager. Reworking approach a bit to account for this. Have some basic code to test allow/deny perms, need to account for prompt and "undefined."
  • Concentrating on vetting current WebAPI tests on Thurs/Fri, working off previously discussed priority list.
  • Round table / open discussion