Webdev/Web Production/Meetings/2011-04-19

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This is the meeting agenda for the Web Production team for 2011-04-19.


This is the weekly check-in for the Web Production team.

The purpose of this meeting is to:

  • Discuss and agree upon we will run website kick-off and check-in meetings moving forward.
  • Discuss the current state of web production projects, identify blockers and action items.


Discuss meeting structures. The goal is to reduce meeting time, and prevent our staff from becoming overburdened with meetings.

  • How to run a meeting.
    • Driver runs meeting.
    • Driver prepares agenda and distributes before the meeting.
    • Driver selects a person to document action items declared during the meeting.
    • Driver commences meeting on time no matter what.
    • Driver announces agenda at beginning of meeting.
    • Driver declares that the meeting will be over at a specific time at the beginning of a call.
    • Driver is prepared to call meeting over if people come unprepared.
    • Driver announces that the meeting will be wrapping up 5 minutes before close.
    • Driver calls meeting at or before pre-announced end time.
    • Driver always thanks people for their participation.


  • Website Process Documentation status
    • What's missing?
  • Do we have all of the requirements of what we need up front from people?
    • Are QA, IT, Security, L10N and Legal all covered?

Web Production Projects

  • Engagement project status
    • Refer to Gantt chart for list of current projects.
    • Mozilla.com to Mozilla.org transfer is huge.
  • Community Sites
    • Mozillians, ReMo, QMO
    • Mozillians + Bugzilla Integration
    • Need to brainstorm how we can utilize Mozillians to build great community sites
  • Site retirement
    • EOL updates
    • Status
      • Spread Firefox
      • Firefox Live

Action Items

  • Meetings
    • Project driver will drive meetings
    • Project driver will provide agenda before meeting, will end meeting 5 minutes before end time.
  • Documentation
    • Find good examples of PRDs and SOWs.
    • Flesh out minimum requirements for Creative Brief
      • To engage us in conversation about a project
    • Flesh out minimum requirements for PRDs
      • To get us to begin building a team for a project
    • Stephen - document minimum requirements for test plan.