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  • rdoherty
  • aking
    • CTAW - Kickoff with Royal Order, working on roadmap with marketing
    • PriorArt - CSS, Fixing Search, lots of little tweaks
    • Skype on iPhone gag
  • laura
    • SUMO: 1.0 tonight OMG. Have had some issues with release management. Hardware upgrade tonight too.
    • PriorArt - rejigging some bits and pieces
    • April Fools - old Moz joke care of djst: New name for Phoenix and some reactions
  • jbalogh
    • update compat dashboard for 3.5
    • password handling
    • fixing overlooked L10n strings
    • PyCon
  • neil
    • SFX CSS tweakage continues
    • SUMO screencast UX chit-chat with laura and djst
    • Discussed socorro design improvements, started some wireframes
    • Did lots of design research for reporter redesign, started wireframes
    • AMO category redesign iteratin' latest version
    • Started experimenting with jquery, getting my learning on.
    • SLEEP. Finally!
    • A classic April Fool's joke
  • buchanae
    • Last week
      • SFX 3.0 bugs
      • Decided new SFx launch date, April 7th
      • wiki gardening
    • This week
      • AMO 5.0.4, should have all 3 of my bugs patched today
      • SFx wrap up 3.0
      • SFx 3.1 & 3.2 planning/triage
  • fligtar
  • clouserw
    • 3700 miles is a long drive
    • I made mexfish.com and have some cool underwater photos (more photos later)
    • I have a tortilla press
    • If I haven't already I'm going to talk to you about your AMO 5.0.4 bugs this week. Let me know if you have worries. Freeze is next monday.
  • wenzel
    • Working on bandwagon collection creation
    • AMO 5.0.4 goodness
    • tomorrow: first full-time work day!
    • april fool's joke
  • lorchard
  • morgamic
    • Contracts, Goals, Evals/Leveling stuff
    • Interviews picking up again! (5 this week)
    • Worked on some art
    • Ask me about the MySQL prank


  • IE8 support
  • IE6 support?
    • Current browser support
      • Ryan - put together updated matrix with Stephen/Krupa, bring to next meeting and we will discuss
  • WAI-ARIA support
    • Figure out how to scope this for Q2 and incorporate into new projects
    • Workshop during all-hands
    • Need to get screen readers so we know how it works in a real environment. Some info here.
    • Who can help us? Marco Zehe, Ken Saunders, David Bolter
  • Q2 Goals
  • Velocity Conference - June 22-24, early registration. Featured speakers are from Flickr, Twitter, Yahoo, Craigslist and Netflix.