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Open Items

  • Radar - all updated, yes?
    • Areas of risk? WHat needs more attention or help?
  • Vacation - if you're taking off, please send me a note with dates and file for your PTO now



  • Mobile odds and ends
    • Get Involved page, blog feed, broken links, etc etc
    • Locale & platform detection, mobileDetails.class
  • EU Ballot
    • Met with TRO to review "Learn More" page design
    • Design handed off next week
  • SFX
  • Video hosting
  • Checked out mozilla.com using git-svn. Kubla + git = win?
    • `svn status` > 8 minutes
      • `git status` < 1 second
    • `svn up` == eternity
      • `git svn rebase` != eternity
  • Turkey day food: stuffing


  • AMO, made some changes to search that broke lots of things
  • AMO: Winning the war on PHP
  • Thinking Hudson for Continuous integration.
  • Garlic Mashed Potatoes...


  • AMO work week
    • yay python
  • Release channels for AMO
  • Working on generating recommendations from collections
  • morgamic called to tell me how much he loved me one year ago tomorrow
  • mmm, stuffing
  • Curling! curling.jpg


  • SUMO 1.5 (Sphinx update) freezes today.
  • Getting Involved blog post draft on the webdev blog. Feel free to mess with it, as it's not very, uh, good right now.

Favorite Thanksgiving food: Pumpkin Pie.


  • been sick a lot
  • wrote code for the first cut of the Socorro App Server
  • wrote code to allow the materialized views to backfill based on p/v
  • wrote and rewrote materialized view code to resolve the summation descrepencies
    • unless we eliminate priority jobs, the task is impossible
    • settled for 2 hour delay
  • fixed a collector configuration problem that prevented full processing of crashes with comments for FF
  • did interviews for candidates for the Metrics group
  • chased wild geese for the Thunderbird team that reported a problem with throttling that didn't actually exist
    • though it took 4 hours to prove it
  • Bug 529630 - morgamic, please unstick this
  • currently the owner of a 3.6 blocker involving crash signature generation
    • coded but stalled in pushing to staging by another change that is stalled in staging by an as of yet unresolved problem
  • madly coding on collector changes that will be a 3.6 blocker by next week if I don't get my ass moving
  • wistful for those foods that I've not had for years because the all the relatives that made them are long dead



  • Still crunching on the Plugin Directory project
  • Fave Thanksgiving food: Cranberry sauce from a can that retains that can-like shape.
  • Bottling my first attempt at a "London Porter" beer this weekend


  • back from New Zealand.
  • sold my house. T-minus 6 days to find a place to live - fun.
  • I like jiggling the fake cranberry sauce out of the can.


  • fyfx post-mortems
  • facebook quiz
  • q4 meetings, planning 2010 headcount
  • lots of interviews (interns picking up)
  • Stuffing!


  • been a while - hi everyone
  • TestPilot test cases scoping, wireframes, Wordpress research. Currently building rough working prototype in WP
  • getfirebug.com planning, content audit / IA, wireframing. Currently in high-fidelity mockup phase
    • Anyone have a very light / simple / no BS CMS ala Perch?
  • Poking at things here and there and everywhere - AMO release channels, EU project, a teensy bit of socorro stuff, trying to avoid getting sick, eating tasty bagels
  • The turdurken I had a few years ago was kind of magical, so I'll go with that.



    • search without XML, advanced search
    • forum UX/UI improvements
  • Favorite food: off the top of my head, I've been craving turkey with mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce.



  • Verbatim is live.
    • setting up projects, hopefully ironing out some bugs and performance problems
    • Pootle devs suggested upgrading to trunk checkouts
  • Making Socorro's top crasher page not suck
  • Thanksgiving: Obviously I like the turkey the most :) Also, German-style mulled wine.
