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Audio Recording https://archive.org/details/TTW20140515
Etherpad https://teach.etherpad.mozilla.org/ttw-2014-05-15

WELCOME! Introductions & on-boarding

Roll call madlib!

Hi, my name is _____ and I'm from ____. You can contact me like this: _______

  • Hi, my name is Darren and I'm excited to be joining the Webmaker Training series. I do lots of media teaching/training and looking forward to offering Maker programs in Victoria and little Sooke BC. You can contact me like this: http://about.me/darren.alexander 
  • Hi, my name is Michelle and I'm from Winterfell! J/k. From Berlin. You can contact me like this: @thornet.
  • Hi, my name is Laura and I'm from Dresden. You can contact me like this: @epilepticrabbit on Twitter
  • Hi, my name is Terry and I'm from Kentucky. You can contact me like this: @telliowkuwp
  • Hi, my name is Ani and I'm from Pittsburgh. You can contact me like this: @theanimartinez
  • Hi, my name is FuzzyFox and I'm from somwhere on the internet. You can contact me like this: tweet me w/ @FuzzyFox0 OR on discourse http://discourse.webmakerprototypes.org/users/fuzzyfox/
  • Hi, my name is Brendan and I'm from Northern Illinois USA You can contact me like this: @dendari
  • Hi, my name is Doug and I'm from the internet via Morpeth, England. You can contact me like this: SHOUT VERY LOUDLY or try @dajbelshaw / doug@mozillafoundation.org
  • Hi, my name is Michael and I'm from Berne, Switzerland. You can contact me like this: @KohlerSolutions --> hello!
  • Hi, my name is Costenslayer and I'm from The Web. You can contact me like this: twitter @costenslayer
  • Hi, my name is Lasse and I'm from Finland. You can contact me like this: lasse.jalonen@dnainternet.net 
  • Hey, My name is Sarah and I am originally from Ireland but am now in London and you can contact me @sarahtallen on twitter
  • Hi, my name is Tripad and I'm from Pune, India. You can contact me on Twitter - @_Tripad // Bohemian (IRC)
  • Hey all! my name is Jennie and I'm from North Carolina. You can contact me @little_wow
  • Hi, my name is Melissa and I'm from Brazil. You can contact me like this:@mel__ or melissacdevens@gmail.com
  • Hi, my name is John and I'm from London. You can contact me like this: @bevangelist
  • Hi, my name is Marc and I'm from MOUSE. You can contact me like this: @malesser
  • Hi, my name is Melanie and I'm from Virginia. You can contact me like this: @indieschoollib / indieschoollib@gmail.com
  • Hi, my name is Coragem and I'm from Brazil. You can contact me like this: @_Coragem or coragem@coragem.info
  • Hi my name is Ganesh and I'm from Mauritius. You can contact me like @onlygan/spillai10@hotmail.com
  • Hi my name is Vishnusree and I'm from India.You can contact me like narnevishnusree@gmail.com

What's the coolest thing you saw on the web this week? 


P2PU on Webmaker Training, Play with your Music and Much More! (Vanessa, 10 mins)

Context / Links:


  • P2PU = a social learning thinktank. They support and help people who want to do more with Peer Learning. 
  • P2PU helped create the Webmaker Training platform (line 88) - it's forkable and remixable so you can use it for your own projects!
  • School of Webcraft from 2010(ish): https://p2pu.org/he/groups/schools/school-of-webcraft/ (continues to have hundreds of people go through it)
  • Discourse (discussion platform): http://discourse.webmakerprototypes.org keeps an evergreen record of the conversations we're having in our community. The data aspect of Discourse is also attractive because we can push and pull things via the Discourse API (application programming interf...uh interface)
  • Community guidelines: http://try.discourse.org/faq


  • Are the discourses on P2PU and Webmaker Discourse overlapping? is there a filter to cross ref? Can someone talk more on how they operate together?+1
  • Does someone have a good Online resource that explains what is and how to use tags for beginners? (I just pulled up the "metadata dance," but it's a LITTLE corny...  let me see if I can find something else...) Ty
  • Try this: http://www.w3schools.com/ +1 on that whats the ref. in W3? Sorry, its a big site.
  • Here's a short mashable post about the hashtag: http://mashable.com/2013/10/08/what-is-hashtag/ +
  • Where can we contribute code to discourse (the webmaker instance) (sadly, we are using the prepackaged install. We do have this bug, which could use help: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=988293 - will check this out 

How to get involved:

2. Webmaker Training: Exploring  (Full group ;)

Context / Links:

Silent Etherpadding: What have you learned this week?

  • The importance of sharing the connections--workpaths--we make as we explore and create as webusers and webmakers. http://discourse.webmakerprototypes.org/t/workpaths-on-the-site/283
  • Physical computing IS the best on-boarding system to get kids into CS. Webmaker is a great place to tell that story and nudge them online (teens esp)
  • To be honest, I thought forums were a bit old-school, but Discourse has blown me away in its general awesomeness. It's exactly what I need in terms of *community* (rather than the broader network I've got on Twitter, etc.) :-D :-D
  • I really like the bite-sized nature of the course...  It is totally do-able every week!  A lot of MOOCs just have too much course material to absorb in a week. +1 (I like the way I can just dive into what I find interesting!)
  • Mozilla Irc Network (irc.mozilla.org) #TeachTheWeb and #Webmaker
  • That Meta discourse is really helpful, it illuminates the platform and shares common insights, very good place for intro
  • I learned how to use the background CSS attribute properly :)

What questions do you have?:

  • How did you find out about the training?
    • Stumbled in the web lit map, and went from there, traversing the mozilla ecosystem + joining mailing lists.
      • Brilliant and resourceful
    • Sticky Mozilla Web all over! Very welcoming and inclusive
    • Through peers and Moz London 
    • Webmaker list
    • Tweet from Paul Oh
  • What interested you about getting involved?
    • Web Literacy Map https://webmaker.org/literacy
    • Learning more by helping and share with others+1
    • professional development and prep for volunteer programming
    • prep for the #clmooc2014 this summer
  • What do you hope to get out of the training?
    • Ways to incorporate lots of different platforms to #teachtheweb
    • I want to learn how to make pathways in HTML(?), like Laura's amazing page about digital literacy (eg I want to learn blank so first i must blank). 
    • create a community of webmakers and mentors Me too in my area of USA - Minnesota - Twin Cities
    • New skills +1
    • more comprehensive overview and peer consultation
    • facilitation tools, practices, and processes AND theoretical underpinnings
    • sharing best practices

How to get involved:

Webmaker Mentor badge (Doug, 3 mins)

Context / Links:


How to get involved:

  • Fill in the Doodle poll (before 12pm on Friday 16th May) to indicate your availability

Updates to the Web Literacy Map (Doug, 3 mins)

Context / Links:

  • Web Literacy Map: https://webmaker.org/literacy
  • "The Web Literacy Map is a map of competencies and skills that Mozilla and our community of stakeholders believe are important to pay attention to when getting better at reading, writing and participating on the web."
  • We've frozen it at v1.1 until the Mozilla Festival in October 2014. Reasons why here: http://mzl.la/1hNLGkC
  • We need to keep track of any issues people have with it - confusion, overlap, things that aren't included, etc.  Let's use this bug for that: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1010958
  • At MozFest and afterwards we'll be working towards a v2.0 of the Web Literacy Map. It's a community effort that anyone and everyone can be part of!


How to get involved:

  • Add comments/suggestions/problems to this bug

Hangout Time Notes

More places to connect with the Webmaker community

Last Weeks Call