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This is the agenda and action items for the pre-launch check-in for Markup.

Time / Location

  • Date: 2011-05-24
  • Time: 12:30pm PDT
  • Room: All Your Base
  • Conf: #329
  • IRC#: #markup



The purpose of this meeting is to have check-in on the status of the Mark Up dark launch. Specifically, we will answer the question, can we launch yet?


Previous Action Items

  • Fred: Talk to IT about pushing the prod changes back to dev and stage
  • Laura: Talk to TBG about working on the right kind of fixes to solve the biggest problems.
  • Matt: Load balance dev and stage after the new database changes have been pushed back.
  • Stas: He is going to work with his localizers to make a few small CSS/HTML changes for language issues.



  • TBG made all of the appropriate 1.0 blocker changes


  • Fred has talked to IT about the push to stage.
  • TBG is now storing the unsimplified mark as a JSON file on the disk instead of the DB.
  • We should be able to store ~10 million marks on the DB hard drive.


  • An external person has asked if they will be able download marks manually.
  • Mark Up will probably be EOL'd after 6 weeks.


  • Many open bugs and checks to do.
  • Help Laura on making sure admin features are still working.
  • Will need 2 days after push to stage.
  • Load testing will be the first thing to do.


  • We need test the NFS for storage of the marks on the disk. (If we decide to store them on disk)
  • IT can add additional storage without a problem.


  • bug 656470 - needs resolved.
  • bug 657785 needs resolved.


  • No disk storage of unsimplified marks. No compelling reasons to keep them given that there is no phase 2 and 3.


  • Go / No-Go?

Action Items

  • Fred to file a bug to push data.
  • Matt: Push changes from dev to strage.
  • Matt: Check to see what IP is being reported when marks are created on stage. (hopefully not the proxy IP)
  • Matt: Flip bit to NOT store unsimplified marks.
  • Laura: Test admin functionality again.
  • Matt: Dump the DB, migrate, dump again, Matt to load test, dump again.
  • Matt: Will let Michael know when he is ready for security testing.

Next Meeting