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This is the agenda and action items for the post-launch check-in for Markup.

Time / Location

  • Date: 2011-06-28
  • Time: 8:30am PDT
  • Room: All Your Base
  • Conf: #329
  • IRC#: #markup



The purpose of this meeting is to check-in on how the development of Markup 1.1.


Previous Action Items

  • Fred checking on backups
  • Matt will test all 1.1 bugs that are resolved fixed
  • Laura - schedule meeting Tuesday meeting for 1.1 release after webdev offsite
  • Laura - update success metrics.
  • Planning to push 1.1 on 6/28


  • Matt
    • Things look good; all bugs have been verified.
    • Need to end-to-end test in Windows. ETA EOD Wed June 19.
  • Fred
    • Things look good.
  • Laura
    • There will be no 1.2 push
    • Beginning of marks are all super user marks; some marks might have been deleted. Not too worried about it.
    • All marketing campaigns for Markup have run their course.
      • Snippets still pointing to Markup
      • Need to do another Facebook campaign.

Bug Triage

1.1 Bugs:


Action Items

Next Meeting