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This page contains all of the important details for migrating old content.

Why does this project matter? is a website with a lot of history. It is the changing face of a very dynamic organization, powered by a variety of technologies and maintained by any number of stakeholders. The site's strategic importance, its visual identity, and its underlying technology have all changed in recent years, but a legacy of content and technology remain. This is problematic for three reasons:

  1. A significant amount of the legacy content is incorrect, irrelevant, or no longer appropriate for Mozilla's primary product marketing channel.
  2. A greater portion of legacy content is published under one of several prior visual identities, and does not adhere to's current stylesheet .
  3. All of the legacy content is served by an aging PHP stack that no longer adheres to Mozilla's web development standards and is entirely separate from's modern implementation in Django/Playdoh. The PHP stack is brittle and not optimized for ease of maintenance, so it consumes inordinate amounts of developer time. Furthermore, maintaining a website like that spans technology stacks is complex and introduces many opportunities for bugs to appear -- bugs that affect Mozilla's central marketing channel.

This is a long-running project to...

  • understand all the content accessible through
  • find a new home on any of our maintained platforms for all relevant content
  • gracefully retire or replace any out-of-date content



The primary and secondary contacts for each role of this project:

  • Product Owner - Jennifer Bertsch
  • Architect & Developer Liaison - Benjamin Sternthal
  • Engineers - Paul McLanahan, Michael Kelly, Andrei Hajdukewycz, Craig Cook
  • Technical Project Manager - Justin Crawford

Contributor Resources

This project will depend heavily on contributors, and will serve as a prototype for involving contributors in other webprod projects. Here are several tools we use to help make it easy to pitch in:

  • Bug Checklist - Things that should happen on a bug before it is considered "contributor ready".
  • Building your local environment (to come)
  • Contributor Dashboard (to come)

Where does the content go?

Legacy content is migrated to a variety of destinations:

  • The Mozilla Developer Network (MDN). A place for valuable technology content that is maintained/maintainable by the community. Examples: documentation, tutorials, how-tos, contributor guides.
  • The Mozilla Project's public wiki. A place for valuable project-related content that is maintained/maintainable by the community. Examples: project descriptions, meeting minutes, agendas.
  • Bedrock: The Github repository for, a Playdoh/Django project maintained by Mozilla's Web Productions group. A place for valuable content that supports the current engagement/marketing mission of and does not require constant content maintenance by content owners. Examples: contact us page, locations page, Firefox product information pages.
  • The www archive. A place for valuable content that a) is no longer appropriate for (because it no longer supports the engagement/marketing mission of the site, for example); b) is unchanging (historic/archival) and c) doesn't have any other obvious home. Examples: Release notes for historic versions of Mozilla products.
  • Nucleus: Nucleus is a publishing tool that serves certain kinds of content (example: Release Notes) to
  • EOL: End-of-life. Some content is no longer relevant, accurate, or maintained, and should simply be removed.

Project Tools


Archived & Historic