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This page lists the various proposals made to the web site task force and their current status.

Note: Please feel free to add additional proposals for discussion at future meetings. You can copy the Proposal Template as a starting place.

Proposal Proposed by Status
Website Retirement Strategy Chrissie Brodigan Pending Presentation
Domain Name Strategy John, Janet and David Approved at 10/21/10 meeting, Implementation in progress
Abandoned Sites Ryan, David, Frederic, Mike, Chris and Steve Approved at 11/18/10 meeting, Implementation in progress
Website End of Life Process Ryan Approved at 06/02/11 meeting
Site Checklist FuzzyFox, David, Stephen Donner Living Document
Documenting Ownership Ryan Living Document
Web Fonts Ned, John, Sean and David Draft
Universal Tab Sean Martell, David, John, Potch Implementation in progress
Common Color Palette Nuss Draft
Typefaces for Body Text Nuss Draft
Common Licensing Ken, Liz, David Draft
Universal Subtitles Deployment Dean and David Draft
Common Footer Julie, Liz, FuzzyFox and David Draft
CSS Framework Ned Schwartz, David Concept
Official community badges Milos, David Concept