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Meeting Details

  • 1:00pm Pacific time (20:00 UTC until November 4, 2007)
  • Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
  • +1 650 903 0800 x91 Conf# 8600 (US/International)
  • +1 416 848 3114 x91 Conf# 8600 (Canada)
  • +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8600 (US Toll Free)
  • join irc.mozilla.org #staffmeeting for attendance taking and backchannel

note: all participants are muted automatically; if you want to talk, press *1 to un-mute yourself

In Attendance

Development Updates


  • Firefox was released Tuesday (7/17) night.
  • Thunderbird was released Thursday (7/19) night.
  • Fx/Tb
    • Meeting today @3pm, Building K to discuss scope and scheduling.

TB 3

  • We're working on final approval for switching our spell check engine to hunspell for Firefox and Thunderbird. Please let us know if you have any concerns.
  • We're spending a lot of time looking at memory leaks right now and could use extra help tracking some leaks down (using the XPCOM_MEM_LEAK_LOG environment variable). Especially with the compose window. Please see David or Scott if you are interested in helping out.

Gecko 1.9

  • M7 Gecko Feature Freeze July 25th.
  • Major New Features:
    • Anti-Malware
    • Finalized Offline APIs
    • Secure Wrappers

Firefox 3

  • Larry (identity UI) should land by freeze
  • new location bar display
  • Protocol/content handling
    • protocol handling new dialog should make M7
    • content-handling is not going to make Fx3
  • Password manager
    • Numerous regression fixes
    • non-modal save password prototype together, hopefully will land by freeze
  • Places
    • Sync working with http auth/webdav
    • Heavy focus on UI work, likely to miss M7
  • Download Manager
    • Mockups done, UI overhaul in progress, may make M7 (gated by protocol handling work)
  • Addons
    • More work on securing updates
    • Plugin blocklisting waiting on review
  • Malware protection


  • Support release
    • Bouncer and AUS2 updates to come
  • More VM support for build team
  • Performance support/enhancements
    • Graph server work
  • support
  • Most of the team is out at OSCON this week


  • Community build machines have been handed over to the community; big thanks to Coop for working on this for the last few weeks.\
  • Quick reminder: the _RELBRANCHes are currently being used for Firefox and Thunderbird releases only; please check with preed before using them.
  • Win32 reference platform work has been pushed back due to the Fx firedrills; 1.9a7 will not ship on the new ref platform.
  • Preed and Rhelmer at OSCON this week; stop by and say "Hi!" :-)


Test Exectuion

  • Completed FFX and TBird security releases [juan, tomcat, tracy, al, others]
  • Smoke testing FF3 nightlies

Test Development

  • FF3
    • Worked on CSS RefTests to help regression testing for bug 315920. Should complete and submit RefTests this week. [ctalbert]
    • Places: Verified 20 bugs fixes. Wrote 5 test cases from those bugs [tracy]

Tools and Automation

  • Talos Performance Project
    • Collecting Trunk baselines. Had trouble getting new pageset running on old trunk builds. Switched qm-pxp02 to old page set, baseline currently being collected. We currently have baseline data for windows trunk from april 2006 - october 2006 woo! [alice, robcee]
    • Talos found a performance regression! A visible leap in the tp loadtime numbers was found, regression window was determined, patch was pinpointed and backed out and tp numbers were seen to improve
    • Macport reviewed and landed in cvs. [zach, alice]
  • Graph server [alice]
    • The graph server on graphs-stage is now using mysql. Worked with oremj to get the push done. [alice]
    • dump to csv checked in and pushed to production
  • Minotaur preference automated testing tool: Removed all external libraries, Uploaded new patch. Begun discussions about implementing Minotaur in the partner build process. [ctalbert]
  • QA Extension: Lots of work on the notification interface, including a testing server instance, added all the fields to the front-end UI and polished, hooked up notification preferences, and more. Added hooks to Litmus to query tests and groups for the extension's Litmus pane. Reviewed and landed ben_h's first patch [ben_h, zach]


  • There was a test day on Friday, July 20th. Almost 800 test cases were executed. See report



  • Black Hat:
    • Community meet & greet party scheduled -- Pajama Party with Mozilla: Wednesday, August 1, 11 p.m. - 2 a.m. at the Royal 55 room at Ceaser's Palace.
  • Retention:
    • Beltzner and JT presented the retention plan last week. We have divided it up in to 12 parts and are working with individual owners to spec out a time-line.
  • International:
    • Seth and Chofmann are still in India. They get back this week. Check out Seth's blog for more details on the trip. Will have more on our overall plan next steps soon.
  • Affiliate program:
    • We are working to update the affiliate program. Contact Rishi if you want to get involved.
  • Community connector tool:
    • Check out the forum post on the community connector tool-- would love your feedback as we look to more forward. Talk to Rish, Asa or JT.


Mozilla Labs

Developer Relations

  • Headed to OSCON (shaver, mfinkle, jresig and fligtar)
  • WebRunner experimentation continues
    • Adding spellcheck suggestions and password support
    • Better external link detection
    • Creating an extension to manage webapps from Firefox
    • Exploring the use of Firefox3 as a runtime for WebRunner
  • Demo round-up: Compiling a list of demos we'd like to have:
    • Showcase Firefox3 features
    • "Web of the future" features

Webdev, Add-ons, AMO

Foundation Updates

Note that Frank is traveling to Portland today for OSCON and won't be participating in the weekly call.

  • Grants and related activities
  • IP/legal issues
    • Frank and Gerv did some internal licensing-related stuff.

For more information see the individual status reports from David, Frank, Gerv, and Zak.


Other Business

  • Interns victorious in both basketball and dodgeball games last week.