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Meeting Details

  • 1:00pm Pacific time (20:00 UTC until November 2, 2008)
  • Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
  • +1 650 903 0800 x91 Conf# 8600 (US/International)
  • +1 416 848 3114 x91 Conf# 8600 (Canada)
  • +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8600 (US Toll Free)
  • join irc.mozilla.org #staffmeeting for backchannel

note: all participants are muted automatically; if you want to talk, press *1 to un-mute yourself

Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Marcia nominaed whimboo (IRC nick), hskupin@gmail.com (Henrik Skupin). "For his phenomenal work hunting down regressions, filing bugs, and working with the QA team to identify and verify bugs, especially on the mac."

Development Updates

Fx / TB

Had a semi-slushy code freeze on Friday night at midnight. Picked up a couple more blockers over the weekend. We gave the official "go" to build at 10:37am this morning. Still mostly on schedule (maybe a day off).

We'll be having a scheduling meeting for Thunderbird this Thursday. I (ss) will be sending an email to dev-planning later today with time and call-in info.

TB 3

Gecko 1.9

  • Reminder that Tue-Fri @2pm is Gecko Triage:
    • Tuesday - Friday, 2008 @ 2PM PST
    • Building S, whichever conf room is free.  :]
    • 650-903-0800 x91 conf# 217 (US/Intl)
    • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) conf# 217 (US)
    • irc.mozilla.org #granparadiso for backchannel
  • Currently: 31 P1s, 153 P2s.

Firefox 3

  • Exactly 100 blockers (13 P1, 87 P2) left to ship
  • mconnor actively driving and reviewing, ask for help if you're overloaded
  • string freeze last Friday, need explicit approval from beltzner/mconnor to add/change ANY strings at this point
  • Beta 4 on track to ship today


  • Stage migration - happening this Thursday, downtime notice to go out.
  • AMO migrating to php5 on thursday, AUS2 done
  • Working on GeoIP patches and load testing

Build & Test Infrastructure

  • PGO builds
    • beta4
    • PGO unit tests
    • PGO mac, linux
  • heads up to trunk 10.5 work
  • stage migration starting this week
  • thunderbird build guy coming this week?


Security testing: We had a productive Meeting with Bob Lord, Bob Relyea and Scott Haines regarding improving security testing. We discussed strategies to get better coverage on cert testing and to be able to test EV. There will be follow up meetings to come, perhaps with the QA contact that works with them. [marcia organized this]

Firefox 3 [QA lead-tchung]

  • Tested B4 RC1 until bug 421528 was discovered
  • Tested respin (B4 RC2) over the weekend. This was for Windows only.
  • Hosted the Firefox 3 Beta 4 Testday. 375 Tests were run by the Community! 12 active community testers participated. MrWhsprs wins the award for the most tests executed with 101 tests!! No critical bugs found.
  • Created a11y tests for NSIAccessibleHyperlink interface [marcoz]
  • Leak Testing - Continued the Windows FFT for Leaktesting. Filed 6 new Leak Bugs. Found one recent Leak Regression: bug 421150 XUL template leak! [tomcat]
  • Completed L10n locale manual testing.

Firefox/Thunderbird - this is currently in triage [project lead-ss, QA lead-abillings]

Talkback maintenance. Many issues this week: Tablespace issue required new datafile, dingbat ran out of space, servers had to be brought down, and worked with Justin on netapp drive mapping issue. [ss, jay]

WebDev Testing


  • Wrapped up work on the QA Companion extension. This is now in the sandbox awaiting review. Still need to update Help content. [jay, clint]
  • QMO redesign - Reviewed mockups. The final mockup should be ready this week for sign-off.
  • Nightly Start Page re-fresh - Mock-ups are in progress.
  • CSUN: organized things for the MozPit and the booth. This included getting the room, ordering and setting up a laptop, and shipping items to the hotel. Thanks Frank and Mary for your help! [marcoz, timr]




  • Page redirect service for Firefox 3 [1]


  • SxSW: Underway! Web Developer Get Together today at 3:30 p.m. RSVP
  • CSUN: Accessibility-focused conference. Marco Zehe, Tim Riley and Frank Hecker in attendance.


  • Data issues around logging - resolved, but monitoring to verify.
  • Working on getting spectator out of the sandbox and on spec'ing out spectator backend


Asa working on a For the Record post on security metrics (response to the noise around the recent Cenzic report) which should go up today or tomorrow and beginning perf test planning for ancient Firefox releases (0.8, 1.0, 1.5) for possible future FTR post or at least "internal/our hardcore community" messaging.

Seth helped to open source the Narro project L10n tools and blogged about that here http://blog.mozilla.com/seth/2008/03/06/narro-project-code-now-open/

Last week we had a review of the progress on the updates to Deki Wiki we requested; MindTouch is doing a great job on this and we're really looking foward to deploying this. We're now looking for someone to do the skinning work we need done; if you or someone you know would be interested, please let Sheppy know!

Mark Finkle's on vacation this week

Resig's at SXSW this week.

Mozilla Labs

  • Personas
    • new development build of extension being released to the Personas forum shortly
      • bug fixes (f.e. tab transparency on Windows Fx3, memory leaks on Fx2);
      • initial implementation of a custom persona editor;
      • personas can now specify any color as the foreground (text) color.

Webdev, Add-ons, AMO

  • Ryan Doherty starts today for webdev. He is a very talented front-end engineer who will be working on taking our web apps to the next level. Please welcome Ryan if you see him and introduce yourself.
  • AMO upgraded to cake 1.19, last week we ran into session issues that are now fixed. We have some discussion going for getting these fixes upstream. See bug 421055 for more info.
  • Breakpad - fixed utf8, added comments and fixed exceptions in processor and reporter - continuing work on scaling this week.
  • AUS3 migration script and schema checked in, TM 3.0 filed for service.
  • AUS migrated to PHP5 last Monday without any problems.
  • Bouncer geo-ip support testing -- load tested and optimized queries for ip->location lookups last week -- thanks to oremj for his help with this.
  • SFX - reviewed updates for spreadfirefox, working with Alix to prioritize remaining tasks and set up a roadmap for the project.
  • Leadwork for extend firefox 3 contest
  • PFS
    • Got list of vendors still using install.js
    • Working with vendors to get plugins updated and working with Fx3
  • This week
    • AMO migration planned for this Thursday evening
    • Load testing for AMO 3.2 and PHP5
    • Wrap-up and deployment planning for 3.2 launch next week

Foundation Updates

  • Conferences and events
    • Zak published a number of blog posts from his attendance at SCALE; see the latest post for links.
    • Frank worked on arrangements for CSUN.
  • Upcoming activities
    • Frank is planning to be in Mountain View on March 12 and at the CSUN conference on March 13 in Los Angeles CA.
    • Frank is also planning to attend the Freedom to Connect conference March 31 and April 1, 2008 in Silver Spring MD, and (if possible) the Berkman@10 conference May 15-16 in Boston MA.
    • Zak will be speaking at the PHP Quebec Conference March 12-14, and other events later in 2008.

For more information see the status reports from David, Frank, Gerv, and Zak.


Other Business