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Meeting Details

  • 1:00pm Pacific time (20:00 UTC until November 2, 2008)
  • Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
  • +1 650 903 0800 x91 Conf# 8600 (US/International)
  • +1 416 848 3114 x91 Conf# 8600 (Canada)
  • +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8600 (US Toll Free)
  • join irc.mozilla.org #staffmeeting for backchannel

note: all participants are muted automatically; if you want to talk, press *1 to un-mute yourself

Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Development Updates

Fx / TB

Shipped Firefox RC1 to the beta channel on Wednesday after server load lessened. Unfortunately, we had a couple bugs we had to fix. They've now landed and builds are on their way (Mac and Linux available). We intend to go to the beta channel again this week and release next week (targeting July 1 for release).

Thunderbird has been delayed as a result of this respin. We're unsure of the schedule, but we'll update the wiki as we know more.

TB 3

No updates this week.

Gecko 1.9.1

  • Look here for interesting queries related to Gecko 1.9.1.
  • Tracking 15 1.9.1 blockers.
  • 69 wanted bugs
    • 17 P1s. These are bugs we feel would really, really make a good release if we had a solid handful completed.
    • 19 P2s. These are medium complexity bugs/changes that are nice to have.
    • 15 P3s. The lowest priority bugs for this release. These are the ones that we will definitely take, but the others take priority.
  • In parallel, we're working on bugs. Please nominate for that release as well if you find issues you think important enough to block that release.

Firefox 3

Released on Tuesday June 17th!! See Marketing/PR below for coverage!


Released M4 over the weekend. Will provide a deb package during the week.

Installation instructions for N8x0:

If you run out of space, try moving the archive file to /media/mmc2, and then untar it from there.


  • Launched ff3
    • over 17,000 downloads a minute at peak
    • over 8 mil downloads done
    • at peak over 10x our highest release
    • bouncer (download re-director) stayed up through the whole event, downloads did not fail
    • mirror network was still under capacity after serving 20 gigabits/sec
  • Welcome to Phong Tran - sysadmin

Release Engineering

  • FF2.0.0.15 in progress; TB2.0.0.15 next
  • scheduled downtime Wed morning 8am PST -> 11am PST for unittest VMs. IT doing cpu replacement. This will take down unittest *and* talos machines.
  • generating test snippets for major update
  • Armen and Lukas doing quick "show-and-tell" today


Firefox/Thunderbird 2.0.0.x [ss/abillings]

  • Released Firefox to Beta testing last week. Since then some security issues has been identified for fixing and there was a respin.

Firefox 3 [tchung]

WebDev Testing [stephend]

Test Automation

  • Dojo test suite port - Completed integration coding. Now just needs review and checkin. 612 test cases for Dojo compatibility are now available!! [mw22]
  • Created automated test cases for accessibility bugs going into Firefox 3.1 [marcoz]
  • Started running first automated Mochitest leak tests with Extension Builds [tomcat]
  • Sisyphus - Still looking at better ways to process error logs to pull out results for specific versions, platforms, etc. This is for the big JS test suite. [bc]


  • Nice blog about Accessibility with Firefox 3
  • Planning a QA segment of the European Developer Day. Working with Jane Finette on this [marcia]
  • Starting to plan for early testing of Snow Leopard Developer Preview [marcia]
  • Completed the latest Community tester survey. See the Basic results or More details results [jay]
  • Set up of 1.9.1 Environments for Debug Builds on Mac, Linux and Windows. This is for leak testing. [tomcat]




Some favorites:


  • Public events triage call on Wednesday, June 25 at 10 a.m. PDT. Dial-in: 650-903-0800, ext 91, id 248.
  • More Firefox parties!. Check out video from this weekend for highlights from the Kung Fu Panda screening & the Build a Robot party!

Download Day

  • Awesome work!
  • Judges are reviewing logs right now.

Welcome Dave Bottoms to the marketing team.


  • Another great Support Firefox Day last Friday [1]
    • Big thanks to the session hosts: mconnor, jonath, dietrich, sethb & asa, and, uh, myself :)
    • Also thanks to Lucy who organized the event this time, and to cilias, np, zzxc, and Cww for general awesomeness and invaluable help
  • Hectic but successful release of Firefox 3 from a SUMO point of view
    • Some frequent issues that were quickly covered in the Knowledge Base and promoted to the start page
    • List of common issues handed off to QA and developers
    • Blogged about the release


  • A few fast facts from last week:
    • more than 2 million IE users downloaded Fx on download day!
    • our "2nd download day" (hours 25-48 after launch) saw an estimated 3.7 million downloads
    • worldwide market share grew in the last week from 18.8% to 19.2% (according to net applications)
  • Currently working to detect possible Colbert bump


  • The MindTouch Deki version of MDC is due to launch by the end of the quarter, which might mean this week. We'll see.
  • Continuing to work on watching the plans for Shiretoko to ensure that the documentation for it goes smoothly.

Mozilla Labs

Webdev, Add-ons, AMO

  • Most of Webdev is @ the Velocity conference (performance and scalability conference)
  • Download Day: Mission Accomplished! (really!)
  • Socorro/Breakpad - we are getting roughly 2x the estimated crash throughput, working on some pruning and database optimizations to improve app responsiveness -- we are aware of current issues
  • AMO Load Issues
    • 3.4.4 update delayed due to load issues (related to NetScaler and code changes)
    • We spent the majority of the week troubleshooting AMO perf
    • Still not sure if it's a NetScaler proxy cache issue or an app issue, ticket open with Citrix and IT is working on it
  • AMO Features!
    • On the bright side...
    • Full-text search now implemented (search doesn't suck anymore)
    • Advanced search feature -- ability to search for very specific terms
    • Theme browser
    • read more about it on Basil's blog
  • Graph server (perfomatic) inaugural triage complete (see bug list)
  • Launch notes


  • Community report
    • Parties are continuing to happen this week by and for many Localizers and we supported many folks in organizing them over last week: Barcelona, Italy, Madrid, Paris, Romania, Sri Lanka. 3 parties in Catelanan/Valencia areas. We know there are more but these are the ones we've been directly supporting or involved with.
    • Romania, SriLanka, Frisian, Greek looking for help in marketing and/or community building. Romania and Greece specifically looking to develop out a community portal which Pascal is helping with.
  • Tools
    • We have been working with the community to gather information on tools available and being used so that we can better support and scale translation. We've code named that initiative "Verbatim". Wil Clouser will be hosting a brown bag hopefully later this week (confirmation to come shortly). More information is available on our Verbatim wiki page and Seth wrote a good blog post on a summary of what we found out and discussed at Fosdem earlier this year
  • Firefox
    • Not much to report. We have now officially shifted focus to 3.1 and 3.0.1 releases. We are getting many requests for more support on mailto and webcal protocol handlers from third party vendors which we're working with Evangelism to field

Foundation Updates

  • Grants and related activities
    • Wellington Fernando de Macedo has been working on his server-sent DOM events project; this is continuing and extending the work referenced in bug 338583.
    • Frank corresponded with the organizers of the W4A conference about renewing Mozilla Foundation sponsorship for 2009.
  • CAs and related issues
    • Frank gave preliminary approval for Entrust's request to enable the Entrust Root Certification Authority for EV (bug 416544), and opened up a second public comment period.
  • Public communication
    • David met with Samuel Sidler and Reed Loden about future www.mozilla.org changes.
    • David also worked to get a new draft of the Mozilla brochure created; because of problems with getting model releases signed, we'll be switchng to a new photo for the brochure.
  • Conferences
    • Zak continued preparing for the FOSSCoach event at OSCON.
  • Upcoming activities
    • The Mozilla Foundation is a sponsor of the Personal Democracy Forum conference (June 23-24 in New York). Brian Behlendorf will be speaking, and Frank is attending.
    • David, Gerv, and Zak will be attending OSCON (July 21-25 in Portland OR) and the Firefox Summit (July 29-31 in Whistler BC). Frank will be attending the Firefox Summit but not OSCON.

For more information please see the individual status reports from David, Frank, Gerv, and Zak.


Internship update. Six interns will be giving us some updates on the projects they've been working on since they started with us.

Armen Zambrano Gasparnian (L10n build) - blog
Lukas Blakk (build/test tools)
David Anderson (Platform)
Anant Narayanan (Labs)
Cesar Oliveira (AMO)
Gary Kwong (Thunderbird)

Other Business