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Meeting Details

  • 1:00pm Pacific time (20:00 UTC until November 2, 2008)
  • Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
  • +1 650 903 0800 x91 Conf# 8600 (US/International)
  • +1 416 848 3114 x91 Conf# 8600 (Canada)
  • +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8600 (US Toll Free)
  • join irc.mozilla.org #staffmeeting for backchannel

note: all participants are muted automatically; if you want to talk, press *1 to un-mute yourself

Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

(I'm out of the office today. Sam or Tim, can one of you please announce the Friends?! -A)

  • Schrep nominated Ted for "seriously kicking ass to fix tests to not fail intermittently" Let's hear it for Ted!
  • Asa asks that you all recognize all the people that prepared and delivered great talks, discussions, and presentations at the Summit.
  • Asa also wanted to recognize John Lilly and the Steering Committee for supporting the biggest and most productive gathering of the Mozilla community ever.
  • Last, and definitely not least, too many people to list wrote in nominating Dan Portillo for the amazing job he did in organizing and managing the 2008 Firefox+ Summit. This was the largest event undertaking in Mozilla's history and Dan rocked it!! Let's have a giant round of applause for Dan!

Please send FotT nominations to asa@mozilla.org. This is a great opportunity for the community to recognize those who go above and beyond, so please tell me when you see that happening. Thanks.

Development Updates

Fx / Fx 3.0.2

Since we last talked, Thunderbird shipped and we had a joint post-mortem for Firefox

We're currently finalizing the schedule for Firefox and 3.0.2. If you have a bug that's blocking either release, please work on it immediately as we're more than likely aiming for a release in the next three to four weeks.

TB 3

  • Shredder 3.0alpha2 candidates exist; testing to start soon
  • Thunderbird 3.0beta1 development work underway; code freeze in mid-September

Gecko 1.9.1

  • Proposed Gecko Shiretoko 1.9.1 Beta 1 Freeze: Tuesday, August 19 @ 11:59PM PDT. This is a feature freeze. At this point, we should be wrapping up remaining feature bugs ASAP.
  • Interesting queries related to Gecko 1.9.1
  • 20 1.9.1 blockers.
  • 133 wanted bugs
    • 28 P1s. These are bugs we feel would really, really make a good release if we had a solid handful completed.
    • 41 P2s. These are medium complexity bugs/changes that are nice to have.
    • 36 P3s. The lowest priority bugs for this release. These are the ones that we will definitely take, but the others take priority.

Firefox 3



Release Engineering

  • ESXHost died, taking down trymaster, and handful of slaves.
  • Bunch of unittest fixes landed last week. Please file bugs if you still see any intermittent failures.
  • TB2.0.0.16 automation went fine; Should now be able to do *3* releases at a time! :-) This fixes the long standing concern about "long time between TB and FF security releases"
  • See updated graphs.mozilla.org



3.1 A1 testing

  • Smoke tests and BFT for this release, including respin testing for Java issue [marcia, hasham, others]

Leak Testing [tomcat] - found 4 more bugs:

  • bug 447863 Firefox leaks when the Live HTTP Headers Extension is installed
  • bug 448071 Firefox leaks when using the ZDF Mediathek (Video on Demand Streaming)
  • bug 448187 Firefox leak during using the Free ebook Search Extension
  • bug 448202 Firefox leaks when using the SearchAll Extension


  • Working on a bugzilla drupal module for QMO. This would allow us to highlight some of the great things community members are doing submitting, triaging and fixing bugs along with giving us easier access to bug charts. [paulc]
  • Met lead Advomatic developer Aaron at OSCON. Continue to work with him to get new QMO theme implemented. We are making great progress; theme looks almost complete. [jay]

Accessibility [marcoz]








  • MDC relaunch scheduled for August 14th.
    • Installed customized toolbar changes to make editing more fun than ever!
    • Waiting on a MediaWiki converter fix from MindTouch so we can do one more test import.
    • Screencast demo of the new MDC is being developed.

Mozilla Labs

  • Snowl presented at Firefox+ Summit last week. Initial prototype will be released this week.

Webdev, Add-ons, AMO

  • Thanks to interns for summit.mozilla.org. We're sad to see them finish next week.
  • SUMO 0.6.1 pushed last week
  • Slides from the AMO General & Editor session are available.


  • Thai language added to Firefox 3 build process; check out the status of all localization efforts at the dashboard. Email sethb with questions about how to use the dashboard.
  • Gandalf presented the "Community Pack" and is welcoming all ideas and contributions. Please mail him at zbraniecki@mozilla.com.
  • Silme discussed on the dev-l10n mailing list. Another localization tool in development.
  • Armen blogged about l10n build improvements and posted slides he presented at the Summit
  • Adrian Kalla starts today. He will be an intern working on l10n until December.

Foundation Updates

  • Future of the Foundation
    • David, Frank, Gerv, and Zak did a "Foundation road-trip" with Mark Surman from Vancouver up to the summit to discuss future plans. Fortunately the the rock slide waited a day or two and thus avoided wiping out the entire Foundation staff in one fell swoop.
    • We did an interactive "Mozilla Foundation 2.0" session at the summit, with lots of good suggestions from the participants. More on this later as we have a chance to write things up.
  • Upcoming activities
    • Gerv will be on holiday until August 20.
    • Frank is on vacation all this week (August 4-8).


Other Business

  • BMO Reorg Part One completed last Wednesday night / Thursday morning; part two coming in a few weeks