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Meeting Details

  • 1:00pm Pacific time (20:00 UTC until November 2, 2008)
  • Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
  • +1 650 903 0800 x91 Conf# 8600 (US/International)
  • +1 416 848 3114 x91 Conf# 8600 (Canada)
  • +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8600 (US Toll Free)
  • join irc.mozilla.org #staffmeeting for backchannel

note: all participants are muted automatically; if you want to talk, press *1 to un-mute yourself

Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Please send FotT nominations to asa@mozilla.org. This is a great opportunity for the community to recognize those who go above and beyond, so please tell me when you see that happening. Thanks.

Development Updates

Fx 2->3 Major Update / Fx / Fx 3.0.2

Refocusing efforts on delivering a Firefox 2->3 major update within the next week. This will be from Firefox to 3.0.1. We're tracking some issues that might block the release but otherwise are looking good.

Firefox was supposed to freeze on Friday. This has been moved out. The new schedule is:

  • Code freeze: August 26 11:59pm PDT
  • Builds start: August 27
  • QA starts: August 28
  • Release to beta channel: September 4
  • Final Release: September 11

This puts code freeze one week after 3.1a2's code freeze to give developers more time to work on patches.

Gecko 1.9.1

Firefox 3.1

As discussed at last week's product delivery meeting on Tuesday the next Shiretoko milestone will be Alpha 2, with code freeze set for Tuesday, August 19th at 11:59pm PDT. As an alpha, this milestone will be en-US only, so there is no string freeze date.

TB 3



  • CDN Trials
    • Moved www.mozilla.org behind CDNetworks (CDN)
    • Planning on moving www.mozilla.com behind CDNetworks this week
  • Patched Drupal vulnerabilities
  • Upcoming Planned Mainentance
    • Kernel upgrades
    • Bugzilla downtime Tuesday night - Database RAM (8GB -> 16GB) & web server RAM (4GB -> 8GB) upgrades

Release Engineering

  • major update from FF2.0.0.16 -> FF3.0.1 handed over to QA early last Wed morning (13th).
    • doing practice major updates since december2007 :-)
  • moved a bunch of unittest machines from QA network
  • making progress on getting mobile linux builds automated.
  • group stretched thin rest of month.


Firefox 3.0.x

  • Major Updates are now the top priority. We started testing these late last week. Will finish the testing early this week. [juanb, tomcat, tchung]
  • Fixed bug 441703 - direction attribute of marquee should be case-insensitive (for selector matching) [mw22]
  • Migrated bug 423176, Crash with jaws 7.1, to Firefox 3.0.2/Gecko This means that more screen reader users will benefit from the new Firefox 3.0.x, without having to buy expensive upgrades to their screen reader. [marcoz]
  • Verified bugs for 3.0.2 [marcia and others]
  • Triaged over 50 unconfirmed bugs last week [tomcat, marcia]

Firefox 3.1

  • Feature Planning/Testing:
    • Continued creating automated test cases for bug 156716 (mediaqueries) – CSS3 "media queries". Print cases just about done. [hali]
    • First draft of Addons Manager Testplan for Fx3.1 [tchung]
    • Working on a testplan for <WHATWG> canvas testing [tchung]
    • Wrote AwesomeBar test plan [stephend]
    • Completed a first draft of test plan for Ctrl-Tab feature and circulated it for comments among some of the interested members of the team.
  • Around 7 Gristmill scripts are completed (mostly browser control BFT's). [hali]
  • Tested and verified bug 450089, which fixes a remaining accessibility issue with the new Session Restore implementation

WebDev Testing - AMO: Verified as FIXED 19 bugs. Continued work on Selenium-based search test suite; 90% finished! [stephend]

Test Tools


  • QMO2 Project: Good progress on templates and Themes. See staged pages. Working with IT and Advomatic to move staged QMO2 to Mozilla servers. Defined feature specs for Advomatic to help get some of the custom work done quicker.
  • Buzilla Dashboard for QMO - Added sharing and custom path for each chart.
  • Pushed to get tracemonkey build issues fixed. Still outstanding:bug 450848, bug 450612
  • Marco's Easy ARIA tips blog posts were picked up by css.dzone.com/news!
  • Worked on Testing Event for EU Dev Day. Reviewed list of invitees. Roughed out a list of proposed sessions. [marcia, tomcat, ctalbert]
  • Intern Heather Arthur left after doing a great job on porting JavaScript standard tests for Prototypes and JQuery, Mobile mochitest automation, and Mobile geo-location testing





  • Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 20 - 22, 2008: Chris Hofmann and Mozilla Argentina community members conducting talks.
  • Congresso Estadual de Software Livre (CESoL-CE), Brazil, August 19 - 23, 2008: Chris Hofmann speaking and meeting up with Brazilian community.
  • COSCUP 2008, Taipei, Taiwan: Mozilla is co-sponsoring and Gen Kanai is attending.
  • BarCamp Bangkok, August 30 - 31, 2008: Mozilla is co-sponsoring and Gen Kanai is participating.



  • We're really, really close to passing 20% worldwide market share (according to Net Applications). the week of August 10th shows Fx at 19.82%. for comparison purposes, we were at 19.22% for the month of July.


  • MDC on MindTouch Deki scheduled to deploy tomorrow (Tuesday, August 19th). Current MDC is in read-only mode for the transition.

Mozilla Labs

Webdev, Add-ons, AMO

  • AMO 3.4.7 open bugs & fixed bugs - Freeze - Mon, 8/18 (11:59pm), push: Thu, 8/21
  • SUMO 0.6.2 [1] code freeze was Thur 8/14, push Tue 8/19.
  • Socorro/Breakpad
    • Working with IT to push latest monitor/processor changes
    • PHP version ready to be clustered, needs cron jobs set up for summary tables (this gets the reporter back to a workable state)
  • MU-related (done this week)
  • Graph Server (AKA Perfomatic)
    • Did triage last week, code freeze for 0.4 milestone Aug 28th
    • Focusing on performance improvements
    • Need some help fleshing out important use-cases so we know where to focus perf improvements


  • See the L10n Dashboard to review the most recent state of Firefox translations.
  • Finishing up 8 locales for beta stage, Bulgarian might benefit from push-out of 3.0.2

Foundation Updates

  • CAs and related issues
    • Frank gave final approval to a request from Comodo to include a new root CA certificate for EV use (bug 421946) and filed bugs 450427 and 450429 for the corresponding NSS and PSM changes.
  • Upcoming activities
    • Gerv will be on holiday until August 20.

Internship Updates

  • Adrian Kalla, l10n intern


Other Business