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Meeting Details

  • 1:00pm Pacific time (21:00 UTC until March 8, 2009)
  • Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
  • +1 650 903 0800 x92 Conf# 8600 (US/International)
  • +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 8600 (Canada)
  • +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8600 (US Toll Free)
  • sip:weeklystatus@mozilla.com from generic SIP clients
  • http://air.mozilla.com/ to watch and listen
  • join irc.mozilla.org #staffmeeting for backchannel

note: all participants are muted automatically; if you want to talk, press *1 to un-mute yourself

WeeklyUpdate Live: You can watch the weekly meetings live at Air Mozilla You can also view previous meetings from the "on-demand" button on the Air Mozilla player. Meetings will be posted for on-demand consumption shortly after the meeting conclusion.

Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

  • Clint Talbert writes in nominating Aaron Train for his recent efforts on automated tests for the private browsing feature, and for stepping up to expand the audio/video tag test coverage.
  • Mark Finkle nominated Dave Townsend as a Friend of the Tree saying "Dave has created a very useful tool to compare IDL interfaces changes (adds, removes & modifications) between branches of our codebase. The tool is proving quite useful to the Evangelism group - helping to update documentation and notify extension developers of upcoming changes in Firefox 3.1"
  • Laura Thompson nominated morgamic (Mike Morgan,) for making a huge dent in the AMO bug mountain
  • Joe Drew writes in with this, "I nominate Ehsan Akhgari for his tireless 10 months(!) of work on the Private Browsing feature of Firefox 3.1, which culminated in it finally landing before the Beta 2 freeze. This is a huge feature, and he deserves our recognition for implementing it."

Please send FotT nominations to asa@mozilla.org. This is a great opportunity for the community to recognize those who go above and beyond, so please tell me when you see that happening. Thanks.

Development Updates

Branch work: Firefox / 3.0.4 / / 3.0.5 / Major Update / Thunderbird

  • Firefox / 3.0.4
    • Beta released last Wednesday
    • Watching for feedback
    • Expected release date of this Wednesday, November 12
  • Thunderbird
    • Builds started last week
    • Aiming for beta this Wednesday, November 12
  • Firefox -> 3.0.4 major update
    • Aiming for release in a couple of weeks
    • No official set date yet
  • Firefox / 3.0.5
    • Code freeze is one week from today, Monday, November 17 at 11:59pm
    • Aiming for release on December 16
    • End of life for Firefox 2.0.0.x

Gecko 1.9.1

Firefox 3.1

TB 3



Release Engineering

  • Branching discussion for after FF3.1beta2 - see threads in dev.planning
  • Mothballing of machines on FF2/FF3.0 - see threads in dev.planning
  • extra build machines on mozilla-central; hope things go smoother then beta1; let us know if you see multiple changes in same build...or hit bottlenecks.


Thunderbird - Created the Test Plan and started Smoketest, BFT, L10n, Update testing [abillings, juanb]


  • Finished BFT, L10n, and Updated testing. Release the Beta on Tues Nov 5th. [abillings, juanb, tracy, tchung, jhaher]
  • Verified bug fixes for and releases (including Thunderbird) [abillings]

Firefox 3.1 [tchung-lead]

  • Resolved most of Tracking 3.1 beta 2 open issues [tchung]
  • Feature testing:
    • Completed 60% of the worker threads test development [admc]
    • Added 22 JS related test cases [bc]
    • XHR - Worked on including header checking in the XHR test scheme that Jonas already wrote. [ctalbert]
    • Have new patch for CSS Transform tests [ctalbert]
    • Ctrl-Tab - Exploratory testing and tst cleanup [marcia]
    • Private Browsing - Exploratory testing and tst cleanup [marcia]
    • Addons Updates - progress with test plan and test cases. Completed an additional 60% of the test cases.
    • WhatWg Canvas - completed the test plan
  • Leak testing: Filed 19 new Memory Leaks for Topsites [tomcat]
  • Provided native language es-MX localization feedback [juanb]

Mobile testing

  • Completed test cases for post Alpha 1 builds [abillings]
  • Started getting mochitests running in buildbot [jmaher]
  • investigated XPCshell tests to get them running for fennec [jmaher]
  • Talked to the lead developer of one of the Symbian series 60 screen readers called TALKS, and found that we should have a fairly easy time getting Fennec working with it once that supports Symbian [marcoz]

Webdev Testing [stephend]

Test Automation

  • Sent out a RC of MozMill for user testing. This required a good size rewrite of the UI file functionality and work flow for creating and editing tests in the MozMill extension. Got dependencies working in MozMill. [admc, mikeal]
  • Took a closer look at Mozmill to see if it can be used to automate some of the Litmus a11y testcases. Looks good. [marcoz]


  • QMO2 - We rolled back QMO2 to put QMO pack onto production. QMO2 is now available alongside QMO at. There were some issues with the update scripts, joining the site, etc. We are looking at ways to have the contractor do some additional cleanup or have parts done in-house. Completed a traige of all the open bugs. [jay, tomcat]
  • Recruited Aaron (from Seneca) to do some work on audio/video tests
  • Been watching as Jonathan Kew gets ready to work on font-face and pick that up from where Akira left it.
  • Set up a meet-up between Adam and Mikeal with the Mozilla Messaging crew to talk about Mozmill use in Thunderbird. [ctalbert]
  • Followed up with the Brazilian tester Paula that was here to help her find a place to get started helping with testing, she'll probably get started translating QAC since she wanted to do translation stuff first.



Impact Mozilla

  • Ten finalists announced last week. We're providing some coaching as we move towards their Dec. 5th deadline.



  • Green Festival, San Francisco, Nov. 14 - 16: Mozilla will have passes for 200 people. Please sign up to help!
  • Nonprofit Software Development Summit, Nov. 17 - 19, Oakland, CA: Please check it out if you are local!
  • Mashup Camp, Mountain View, Nov. 17 - 19: Dave Camp is participating in a session on persistence.
  • FOSSCamp, Mountain View, Dec. 5 - 6: Organized by Ubuntu folks. Please check it out if you are local!

Spread Firefox

Welcome to the team from Mozilla Europe


  • Reminder: Support Firefox Day Friday next week (November 21)
    • Focus on localization, getting localizers together (both people that have been contributing to SUMO in the past, and people that are interested in learning more about SUMO)
    • Session about Mozilla 2010 goals
    • We need help! [1]



  • Documentation for Firefox 3.1 progressing nicely
    • DOM worker docs are underway
    • More updates to Geolocation and Audio/Video docs
  • Asa Dotzler will be delivering a talk, "The Internet as a Global Commons" at the Green Festival this Sunday at noon.
  • Welcome Paul!
  • Paul posted to dev.apps.firefox asking people to add keywords for add-ons breaking changes - please help him out by adding items so he can start documenting changes.


  • Myk is experimenting with JavaScript-based templates (more info in the blog post).
  • Labs Night - this Wednesday 11/12, bldg K 6-9pm. The teams from Seedcamp are spending the week in Silicon Valley and will be joining us on Wednesday evening. Lightning talks on deck include - Dion Almaer discussing the Ajax revolution and how it dovetails with UX; Jono with an update on Mozilla Labs projects; and David Ascher and the Thunderbird team showcasing their latest UI experiments. We’ll also have time for discussion and hacking.
  • Labs (Myk & Atul) will be at the >Play Conference Expo at the Haas School of Business this Saturday showing off labs projects and talking to folks about the future of the web.

Webdev, Add-ons, AMO

  • View compatibility report for Firefox 3.1. Summary: 55% not compatible with 3.1 versions, 14% compatible with alpha versions, %3 compatible with beta pre versions, 28% compatible with newest versions
  • We are a platinum sponsor for Add-on Con on Dec 11 -- if anybody is interested in attending please let Mary know
  • AMO 4.0.3 code freeze is tonight, update is Thursday
  • Ongoing work for collections and bandwagon projects on AMO
  • Socorro filesystem changes are staged, push this week
  • Austin is working on a unit-testing framework for the socorro reporter and a database script to populate a crash test database for people who want to hack on the reporter
  • Webdev on-site this week, we are planning on doing a Webdev brownbag on Thursday at 12pm to introduce the team and present on current projects.
  • Ryan and Alex Buchanan have been working on the Community Store project
  • SUMO: froze 0.7.2, adds CSAT support for forums, new search, fixes a bunch of security vulnerabilities. Should push Thursday.
  • Les is wrapping up lizardfeeder -- we hope to have this launched within a week :) (w00t!)


  • Big thing this week is Firefox 3.1 Beta 2. Reached out to the long tail of our l10n community to get as many of them in shape for B2 and onto the ramp for final.
    • Current list is 29 localizations, and counting (plus en-US)
  • Pascalc and Laura Mesa have first localized landing page (Here is Afrikans) for localization teams who do not have a download page to advertise their localizations

Foundation Updates


Other Business