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Meeting Details

  • 1:00pm Pacific time (21:00 UTC until March 8, 2009)
  • Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
  • +1 650 903 0800 x92 Conf# 8600 (US/International)
  • +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 8600 (Canada)
  • +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8600 (US Toll Free)
  • sip:weeklystatus@mozilla.com from generic SIP clients
  • http://air.mozilla.com/ to watch and listen
  • join irc.mozilla.org #staffmeeting for backchannel

note: all participants are muted automatically; if you want to talk, press *1 to un-mute yourself

WeeklyUpdate Live: You can watch the weekly meetings live at Air Mozilla You can also view previous meetings from the "on-demand" button on the Air Mozilla player. Meetings will be posted for on-demand consumption shortly after the meeting conclusion.

Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Please send FotT nominations to asa@mozilla.org. This is a great opportunity for the community to recognize those who go above and beyond, so please tell me when you see that happening. Thanks.

Development Updates

Branch work: Firefox 3.0.6 / 3.0.7

Gecko 1.9.1

Firefox 3.1

  • tree will remain closed for beta 3 as patches need quiet places to land on mozilla-central; gathering ETAs, but we're looking at Tuesday as a date for re-opening
  • attention will turn to rc1 later this week, more at tomorrow's development meeting
  • beta 3 still expected in first week of february

TB 3

  • b2 delayed by a week or two due to FOSDEM and feature landings
  • b3 inserted into schedule, no real date yet.
  • good progress on good features
  • we can always use more dev contributors. Talk to a driver if you want to help.


Targeting M1 milestone release of Fennec for Windows Mobile.

As always, the weekly update has the up-to-date information of what happens in mobile-land


  • On schedule to swing fxfeeds & versioncheck.addons.mozilla.org to production Zeus ZXTM cluster this week
  • On schedule to complete core2 IOS upgrade this weekend (bug 473084)
  • Planning to upgrade bugzilla.mozilla.org to 3.2.1 sometime this week, exact date/time TBD

Release Engineering

  • FF3.0.6 going to beta tomorrow
  • waiting for go on FF3.1b3


Test Execution

  • Fx3.0.6 testing in progress
    • ETA ship to beta 1/27, ship to world 2/3
  • Firefox 3.1 beta 3 testplan in waiting
  • Fx3.0->Fx3.1beta Major update test pass (internal)
  • Team verified 100+ FIXED trunk and 1.9.1branch bugs in the last 2 weeks
  • Litmus tests cleanup project: results ~95%, test cases ~75%
  • Beta 3 testweek in effect this week
  • QA meetup in mountain view: 2/18

Web Dev Testing, Metrics, Accessibility, Localization, Community, Crash Reports

Test Development

  • Landed bug 472144 Sisyphus - Support mozilla-central repository along with recent modifications and additions to the JavaScript tests.
  • Completed inital 100,000 TopSite test run - working on verifying crashes and leaks - some leaks are caused by timing issues (shutdown leaks etc). About 50 leaks and hundreds of assertions found. Triaged Assertions and verified 1.9.1 Bugs
  • Released new Mozmill 1.0.2 bugfix
  • Used Aki's Nokia build farm to do a testing run with Joel's maemkit automation scripts


No updates.


  • Please join our mailing list to follow Mozilla marketing or join in the fun!
  • Join us for our first community marketing call on Wednesday, Jan. 28th at 10 a.m. PDT. Dial-in & agenda here.



  • Techkriti, Feb. 12 - 14, Kanpur, India: Sethb & Arun will be participating in FOSSkriti there.
  • GNUnify, Feb. 13 - 14, Pune, India: Sethb & Arun will be conducting a Mozilla workshop.
  • SCALE, Feb. 20 - 22, Los Angeles: Chris Blizzard accepted to speak.
  • SxSW, March 13 - 17, Austin, Texas: Brendan & Arun have been accepted for the annual browser panel.
  • OSCON CFP is now open. Please let Mary & Nicole know if you plan on submitting a talk.




  • Documentation
    • Increasingly intensive bilateral discussions with Mindtouch about Deki planning.
    • Started work on a list of features we'd like to investigate adding to MDC; these are things we would implement on top of the Deki platform.
    • New MDC content about workers (Using workers in extensions).
  • Having a work week this week, people in town, come say hi!


  • Weave registration is being re-opened for a limited time.
  • Some preliminary designs for uplift of Ubiquity-esque features into Firefox are now up. Many thanks to Alex Faaborg. You can see them here. It's in early brainstorm-phase, so please participate.

Developer Tools


  • 5.0.1 Code Freeze Today! open bugs & fixed bugs - January 26 freeze - January 29 push
  • Welcome Jeff Balogh
  • Congrats to Wil Clouser, our AMO Dev Lead
  • AMO Brown Bag this Thursday at 12:30
  • Review queue update
    • Nomination queue down to 360 from 560
    • Update queue is holding steady but throughput is higher
  • Compatibility update
    • Rey Bango sending out email this week to get top 500 add-on developers to migrate
    • Target is 95% (by usage) of extensions currently compatible with Fx 3.0


  • Jeff Balogh started last Tuesday, and will be working with Wil Clouser on AMO. He's hacked on a few interesting things like DrProject and dojo toolkit. We're lucky to have him!
  • Wil Clouser will be mentoring Jeff and leading AMO webdev efforts moving forward. Congrats to Wil on his new role.
  • Socorro partitioning patch staged, ready to deploy Thursday -- see the code or read bug 432450.
  • Crash reporter (webtool only!) will be down Thursday Jan 29 @ 7pm PDT and Friday Jan 30 -- to migrate to the new partitioning scheme the system will not be processing reports for a couple of days. Data will not be lost and we will still be collecting reports, but the reporter will be unavailable during this migration. Please contact morgamic if you have any concerns.
  • Graph server was staged successfully using the new schema last week!
  • SUMO 0.8.1 was pushed live on Thursday. Chris Ilias wrote a nice blog post describing this milestone.
  • Work continued on Prior Art Share. Watch for an upcoming blog post from Tiffney.


  • 61 locales participating, with 2 missing the opt-in call, in FF 3.1 Beta 3. Here is the shipped locales bug.
    • How do l10n-driver do outreach during a beta process?
      • First call went to all locales on January 8
      • Sent ~10 individual emails to localizers we had not heard from on January 20
      • Friendly reminder again to all on January 23
  • Last quarter's testing survey raw results are available, Stas and Seth are analyzing now
  • Fennec localization plan developed
    • 10 locales are participating in early group
    • Pike will make builds visible on the l10n server soon
    • Stas is producing productization guidelines
    • Gandalf is fielding questions from localizers and filing bugs
  • L10n team will be at FOSDEM

Foundation Updates


Other Business