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Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

  • aakashd writes in "I'd like to nominate tmyoung, shutnik, nemo and our MV intern Aaron Train for their excellent work on Friday's Fx3.5 Nightly Testday. Specifically, Aaron was able to give mconnor, ehsan, simon bünzli and dietrich some extra work on friday with a PB mode bug that'll be added to Fx3.5 RC1's release notes."
  • Juan Becerra would like to nominate Nelson Bolyard (:MisterSSL) for building a testcase and test instructions for QA to quickly test the PKCS device bug that pkcs device bug that was a blocker for Fx3.5

Development Updates

Branch work: Firefox 3.0.x / Thunderbird 2.0.0.x

  • Firefox 3.0.11
    • Shipping this week (targeting Wednesday or Thursday)
  • Firefox 3.0.12
    • Targeting mid-July release
    • Code freeze is set for June 16
  • Thunderbird / Gecko
    • Missed code freeze
    • Hoping to firm up today, hand off to build tonight or tomorrow
    • Might shift final release date by a day or two

Gecko 1.9.1

  • Down to 8 blockers!
  • Welcome Luke Wagner who hails from Texas A&M. Joining the JS team and will be working in Mountain View.
  • Blocker Status:
    • 0 final blocker bugs left in content.
    • 1 GFX final blockers (which is ready to land).
    • 0 Layout final blockers.
    • 4 JS Blockers. (Last week: 13)
    • 2 Non-code related blockers which are tracking testing issues.
  • 4 noms needing triage.
  • For weekly engineering meeting notes and other info see the Platform page.
  • 8 total 1.9.1 blockers (two weeks ago: 33).

Firefox 3.5

Firefox Front End Work

  • 1 blocker left and it's actually already done!
  • monitoring code freeze and helping where possible by finding regression ranges, etc, looking to help QA with testing phase as well


Team News

  • our second intern, Margaret Lebovic, joined us last Tuesday. She'll be working on the about:me project. Say hi to "margaret" on IRC in #fx-team!

TB 3



Release Engineering

  • try support for WinCE and linux-arm mobile (way to go, jhford!)
  • holding off on changes until FF3.5rc1
    • new ref platform for win32, pool talos machines, separate unittest from build
  • belated welcome to Lukas (lsblakk)


Test Execution

  • Firefox 3.0.11 ship to beta
  • Starting to test Thunderbird
  • l10n Major Update dialog examination for Pascal. See Here
  • Firefox 3.5 Bug Verifications last week
  • Mozmill Testcase automation coverage
    • fixed 7/23 (31%), assigned 12/23 (52%), pending 4/23 (17%)
    • 9 tests are not doable at the moment
  • Reached out to Nelson and Bob (current or ex-RedHat people) for testing instructions for bug 494899 (PKCS load/unload problem). We got some awesome illustrated instructions via mail and bug. Thanks Nelson and Bob!
  • 28 unclear litmus testcases cleaned up last week

Web Dev Testing, Metrics, Accessibility, Localization, Community

Test Development

  • Heads down on 3.5 testing for the most part
    • Writing & running video/audio tag tests
    • Writing & running cross site XHR tests
    • Writing & running JS tests
  • Welcome Jonathan Griffin, who will be starting out working on Content test development



Fastest Firefox

  • The Fastest Firefox community marketing project will be launching today...any minute now, in fact.
  • Community Marketing Team will be kicking off efforts to promote Firefox 3.5 this week with the Fastest Firefox video campaign.

Firefox 3.5 Launch

  • Last week, campus rep Vineel Reddy shared a great video to highlight Firefox 3.5's features, including speed and customization. Video here.
  • Video is up from our Launch workshops

Community Marketing Call

  • Next Community Marketing call is Wednesday, June 3rd, at 10am PDT. Dial-in Info: +1.650.903.0800, followed by 92# and then 7391#. Or you can use our toll-free number: +1.800.707.2533, followed by 369# and then 7391#. For those that can't make the call or want to participate online, join us in #marketing on irc.mozilla.org. Please note the new the new Air Mozilla channel for all marketing-related activities.



  • Open Source Bridge, Portland, June 17 - 19:
    • Mikeal Rogers and Dietrich Ayala are both speaking.
    • Mozilla will participate in the Hacker Lounge. Our proposed session: Firefox & extension hacking. Dietrich will also participate in the Open Web Games session.
    • We're also looking to participate in the Knowledge Fair
    • More details on our participation here.
  • Open Video Conference, New York, June 19 - 20:
    • Help get the word out about the conference! http://openvideoconference.org/
    • Chris Blizzard will be speaking on the future of open video
    • We're hosting a video conference that will now kick off at the conference vs. wrapping up then.
  • Open Web Conference, Vancouver, June 11 -
    • David Ascher will be speaking
    • Ben Galbraith and Dion Almaer will be giving a talk
    • Let Mary know if anyone is local and wants to attend -- we have a few passes

Intern News

  • Welcome to our first marketing intern, William Reynolds from UVA.


  • No updates this week.


  • Firefox market share hit 22.51% in May (up slightly from April).
  • Published findings from recent SUMO website optimization test.
  • Firefox Uninstall Survey
    • Will soon be launching a revamped version. Goal is to update look/feel/questions and to make the data more usable by the community.
    • Current version is here.
    • Open discussion took place last year (we were just a little slow with implementation :)
    • Thanks to Fred Wenzel from web dev for making this happen
  • Firefox.com A/B test
    • Testing a few different colors of the Firefox download button (blue, purple, and orange). Test should go live at firefox.com this week.
    • Thanks to Alex Buchanan from web dev for helping drive this project


  • Mozilla Developer Center upgraded to MindTouch 2009; some new features are not exposed yet but will be over the next few days. For details on what's changed and what still needs to be done, read Sheppy's blog post.
  • Firefox 3.5 documentation is winding down now. The flow of "hey, we don't have docs for X yet" has just about stopped.
  • Added new help pages to MDC to give helpful tips about how to use it, do fancy Lucene searches, and more.
  • 35 days starts next monday and some content is due this week - watch your mailboxes and set aside some time to do a post if you're part of the first week. If you can't because you're busy on blockers we can shift things around so you can do it another week.


Developer Tools

- No updates


  • Add-ons on ICHC!
  • 5.0.6 launch date is 6/9, check out our preview
    • Site redesign
    • Collections
  • Compatibility up to 67%
    • Only major add-ons who haven't moved are Java Console and Firebug
      • Firebug with 3.5.* compatibility in alpha
      • Java Console may be abandoned, we're investigating
  • Fligtar created an amazing bug status dashboard
  • Add-ons meetup very well attended, around 70 attendees
    • Photos from Alex Sirota of FoxyTunes
    • Fill our our survey so we can decide how to make the meet-ups better


  • AMO 5.0.6 is progressing - open bugs & fixed bugs - as Nick said, check out the preview site!
  • SUMO
    • Pushed 1.0.3 Thursday to support tracking of users coming from hitting F1 in Fx3.5
    • QAing 1.1 - screencasts with <video>! (Let us know if you want to help out.)
  • Worked on ySlow automated tests see wiki
  • mozilla.com
    • download buttons optimization work
    • fastestfox launched today
  • SFX
    • bug fixes, getting prepared for upgrade the web and campus reps pushes pre-3.5


Firefox 3.5

  • 73 locales have opted in for Firefox 3.5 RC1
    • Hope to add Turkish and Mongolian before final release


  • Firefox 3.5 on the web dashboard
  • Fastest Fox came in over the weekend and 15 locales will participate
    • ca, cs, en-GB, es-AR, es-CL, fi, fr, kk, ku, nl, ro, sk, sq, sr, vi, zh-CN
    • 3 or 4 expected to join later this week
  • Mozilla IT survey postponed due to technical limitations from provider that we discovered after the project localization was launched. Look to restart that in Q3


  • Silme 0.5.1 to be released June 2, 2009
    • small API change to get_package
  • 0.7 scheduled for release, please join the fun.
  • sethb did two posts on community projects:

Foundation Updates


We have a few new interns who started last week and today. Please give a warm round of applause for:

- Margaret Leibovic (FFx)
- Sully (Michael John Sullivan) (platform)
- William Reynolds (Marketing)
- Anant Narayanan (Labs)
- Brandon Pung (Labs)

Other Business