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Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Austin King wrote in "Milos Dinic - for his work on Mozilla Service Week. He contributed with a patch, filed several bugs, and helped testing the L10n release. He is the Serbian Mozilla Community Leader"

Sarah Doherty wrote "I would like to nominate Kwamena Appiah-Kubi for Friends of the Tree. He is one of our Campus Reps from Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology (KNUST) and did an amazing job organizing a group of community members to represent Mozilla at Maker Faire Africa in Accra, Ghana. Thanks Kwamena!"

Akash Desai wrote in "Kbrosnan and KenS deserve some major props for their contributions on the Fennec 1.0 Beta Testday! Specifically, kbrosnan was an advocate for the community in the channel and also filed 4 bugs on the day. Also, KenS was out top tester by running through 51 testcases on litmus for Fennec and find 1 bug on the day."

Development Updates


Firefox Front End Work


  • next milestone: Firefox 3.6 Beta 1
  • still working through triage, waiting on some l10n estimates in order to get a timeline fleshed out, looking at mid-to-late September for a beta
  • goals are startup time, responsiveness, Windows 7 readiness and polish
  • stretch goals include things like determining if Personas can be included as well as some changes to how the updater works to include plugin updates

Team News

  • this is Matthew Noorenberghe's last week with us as a Firefox intern, he'll be finishing up work on the new notification UI project this week
  • the whole team is in Mountain View this week, hanging out in "Very Strong, Very Mighty"


Branch work: Firefox 3.0.x / Firefox 3.5.x / Thunderbird 2.0.0.x

  • Firefox 3.0.15 / Firefox 3.5.4
    • schedule, queries available on the wiki
    • targeting mid-late October release
    • code freeze is September 22 at 11:59pm

TB 3

Target dates (subject to change):

  • 3.0b4 (see Standard8's blog post for more info)
    • Slushy Code Freeze: Monday 7th Sept 23:59 PDT.
    • Full String Freeze: Wed 9th Sept 23:59 PDT.
    • Code Freeze: Friday 11th Sept 23:59 PDT.
    • l10n Complete: Monday 14th Sept 23:59 PDT.
    • Release builds start: Tues 15th Sept.
  • 3.0RC1
    • Final l10n String Freeze: Tuesday 29th Sept 23:59 PST
    • Approvals/Blockers only: from Tuesday 6th October 23:59 PST
    • Aiming to start RC1 builds on: 3rd Nov.
    • Subsequent RCs as necessary.



Last Week

  • hg issues
    • changed Apache to spawn new thread per request

This Week

  • New log processing box for metrics (im-log03)
  • VeriSign EV cert for addons.mozilla.org (08/25/2009) bug 503040
  • Turning up Layer42

The Amsterdam Reboot

  • Will start turning down Amsterdam websites Tuesday night

Release Engineering

  • hg woes last week
  • Fennec 1.0b3, TB2.0.0.23 shipped
  • FF3.0.14, FF3.5.3 (with unprompted major update)
  • bunch more nokias coming online
  • disabled tp3
  • l10n nightlies updates working fine so far
    • only worries so far are some delays with en-US nightly updates, being worked on.


Test Execution

  • Thunderbird - Finished BFTs, l10n testing, and Releasetest and Release update testing
  • Working on bug fix verification for Firefox 3.0.14 and 3.5.3
  • Working draft Firefox 3.6 Testplan is up
  • Tested and shipped Fennec 1.0 beta 3 last week
  • Tegra testing now has software updates checked in, and about 800 reftests executed and running

Web Dev Testing

  • Mozilla Creative Collective and Mozilla Service Week releases were shipped this week.
  • Testing AMO 5.0.9 features. Added 4 Litmus test cases for login section. Also wrote 6 automated Selenium test cases.
  • Verified bug fixes Sumo 1.3 and wrote litmus test cases
  • Wrote Litmus test cases for Spread Firefox and mozilla.com

Metrics, Accessibility, Localization, Community

  • Community:
    • Held a Fennec 1.0 Beta Testday. Results can be found here
      • Verified over 300 bugs last week! (thanks to aakash and joel)
    • Help a Code Coverage QA meet-up last Wednesday. We had a good discussion about what works and wha tto watch out for. See Preso.
    • Coordinating with Florian from OpenOffice about the next Opensource Meetup on September 25
  • Accessibility:
    • Reviewed bug 510441. This important for NVDA grant work on improving WAI-ARIA support.
    • Marcoz became a moderator in the German camp-firefox.de community (the largest Firefox-based forum) in the newly created form "Barrierefreiheit" (German for "accessibility"). This is a great opportunity to help community members there.
    • Went to the Best Practices Stammtisch Essen on Monday August 17, and gave a talk on WAI-ARIA. We looked at Accessible Twitter as an example of good usage of WAI-ARIA landmark roles. The "Best Practices Stammtisch Essen" is a bi-weekly meetup of web workers from the Ruhrgebiet area in Germany, exchanging knowledge in areas such as accessibility, HTML5 and other topics. They looked at CSS3 transforms in action. See blog about the positive accessibility impacts of using them.
  • Projects Metrics (AKA Firefly)

Test Development

  • Got reftests running over http (pointing tests to an external http server)
    • Only three tests fail when running with Firefox
    • Used this to run 800 tests on windows CE (before Firefox crashed)
  • Landed JS Ref tests - you can now run JS tests in the browser using a reftest style manifest
  • Worked a lot on Mobile last week
  • Tags implemented for Test Case Manager, almost ready to release a preview for feedback
  • More notes here


  • No updates.



Mozilla Service Week

  • Overall update:
    • Pledge hours are close to 4,000 (up over a 1,000 hours from last week)
    • Great blog coverage - more to come.
    • Featured on Case Foundation home page!
  • Wondering how you can be a part of Mozilla Service Week?
  • We're still going global!
    • SQ and KO going live this week


  • Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre en Chile October 7 - 9, 2009, Santiago, Chile - Sponsoring event and bringing together the Mozilla Hispanic Community. + 2 day MozCamp Prior.
  • WordCamp Philippines September 19, 2009 in Makati City, Philippines - We are sponsoring this event.  Our mission is to help build up the Philippine community and build the Tagalog locale.
  • Philippine Blog Awards October 9, 2009 in Luzon, Philippines - We are sponsoring this event.  Our mission is to help build up the Philippine community and build the Tagalog locale.
  • Festschrift Symposium on Mitchell Wand September 19, 2009 in Boston, MA.  We are sponsoring this event.  Our labs intern, Brandon Pung is representing Mozilla at the event.





  • Mozilla Developer Center
    • As always, make sure your bugs are tagged with the dev-doc-needed keyword if they will need explaining to developers or web developers.
    • Fixed at least most of the problems left over after the server glitch last week. Still sorting out the outlying cases.
    • Can now sort tables on MDC, which will make many things nicer.
    • Preparing to upgrade MDC to the just-about-to-release MindTouch 9.08 release.
    • Dealing with crashes of MDC (it's the database server)


  • Labs Night this Thursday, 6-8pm in Ten Forward. Guest speakers will be Li Gong from Mozilla Online in Beijing, and a mystery guest speaker
  • The new Labs website is live.
  • We have a new beta of Jetpack 0.5, with improved security and audio support.
  • We also announced a contest to write the coolest Jetpack extension (Deadline October 15).
  • Weave 0.6pre, with the final Weave 0.6 release hopefully this week. It includes better Fennec UI, better error handling, and about:weave, a new web-based UI for logging in and creating accounts.

Developer Tools




Foundation Updates


Intern Show & Tell

No more Show & Tell, but a whole lot of Interns Presentations: https://intranet.mozilla.org/2009Interns#Interns_Brownbags

Other Business