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Video for today's meeting

meeting update 2009-01-11

Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Aakash writes in, "Lonelybob and and kbrosnan continue to kick butt on our testdays and this past Friday's Mobile Firefox 1.0 RC Testday was no exception. I want to thank both for their great contributions to the day and their continued work in our QA community."

Upcoming Events

Put upcoming events here, with dates if possible. Are there any brown bags scheduled for this week? Software releases scheduled for this month?

Previously on "Mozilla"...

  • Mozilla Hacks relaunched last week on Wed. 1/6 with a new design for easier navigation and discovery. Check out cool demos for mobile and the latest articles and tutorials for web developers as we get ready for Firefox 3.6!
  • Fennec RC2 was released last Friday for Maemo users.

Monday, January 11

Tuesday, January 12

Wednesday, January 13

  • Foundations of Open Media Software January 13 - 15, 2010; Wellington, New Zealand.  Perfect venue to promote open video.  We are currently sponsoring this - Matthew Gregan, Chris Double and Chris Pearce will be attending and representing Mozilla.

Thursday, January 14

Friday, January 15

Coming up on "Mozilla"...

Privacy Forum at Mozilla on January 27th from 10am-3pm

  • More details to follow. A joint effort by MoFo, Labs, and Legal and an outside privacy expert/academic. Day will include panel discussions, lunch, and then working groups to generate deliverables on Mozilla's approach to privacy. Most invitees are lawyers but we would like to have lots of engineering and other non-lawyer input.

Lightning Talks

This is a new thing we're trying this week. Please put your regular routine weekly status updates in the section below. This new "Lightning Talks" section is for things you want to talk about in person.

Aim to make it about 2 minutes long; you can show a slide or two or maybe a quick demo of something. Lightning talks should focus on one of:

  1. An interesting fact that you think other people don't know, but should.
  2. Something that you're looking for feedback on - for instance, a new interface design.
  3. A call to action: Something you're working on that you need other people's help with - for instance, testing a release candidate, or helping spread a viral marketing campaign.

If you have some screenshots or something that you need to show, please link to them here, so that you can give your lightning talk from the moderator's laptop and we don't have to keep switching computers.

If you're not in Mountain View, you can still give a lightning talk! We can listen to your lovely voice on the loudspeakers while the moderator puts your images up on the screen.

Title Presenter Topic Media More Details
CrashKill Chris Hofmann, Ken Kovash How are we doing on killing Firefox crash bugs? (media goes here) Metrics post, CrashKill meetings Summary of lightening talk
Weave and Fennec Ragavan Srinivasan and Stuart Parmenter About the release candidates of Weave and Fennec, why they go together like peanut butter and jelly, and how you can help test them (media goes here) (links go here)
Innovation Services Jono X What is Innovation Services and how can it help your project? (media goes here) (links go here)
Support.mozilla.org Cheng Wang Why is SUMO important to the Mozilla community and how can you help the effort? [1] (links go here)
Hacker Dojo Job Fair - January 16th, 2010 from 10am - 1pm Bret Reckard Reverse Career Fair on Saturday, Moz Developers Welcome and encouraged. (media goes here) http://wiki.hackerdojo.com/Hacker-Dojo-Job-Fair

Status Updates By Team


  • if you want to get a preview of the new Firefox theme, a contributor named "SpewBoy" has put together a theme called Strata40 which is available for Windows.
  • many people have misinterpreted a recent blog post by Mike Connor to be official policy; he has updated to clarify that this is not the case
    • the discussion is still very much in progress
    • the Jetpack project has and continues to be a great additive solution which make simple customization development even simpler, and Mike Connor was urging our existing Add-on community to participate so that we can make sure we're building a robust and capable platform that can benefit new and existing add-on authors alike


  • We've wrapped up most of the 1.9.2 blocker work.
  • Stay tuned next week for announcements on next efforts. We're trying to pull together an alpha for 1.9.3 so watch for those discussions in dev-planning and the dev meetings over the next two weeks.

Branch work: Firefox 3.0.x / Firefox 3.5.x / Thunderbird 2.0.0.x

  • Released Firefox 3.0.17 and 3.5.7 on January 5.
  • Schedule for Firefox 3.0.18 and 3.5.8 has been adjusted. It is now:
    • Code freeze: January 19, 11:59pm
    • QA starts: January 20
    • Builds start: February 1
    • QA with builds start: February 1
    • Beta period starts: February 4 - 5
    • Final release: February 16


  • 3.0.1 RC builds are up, to deal with a bunch of 2->3 upgrade issues in particular.




Last Week


  • Suffered another heat-related near catastrophe at CoreSite, our San Jose data center
    • Affected a couple internal systems & RelEng infrastructure
    • Should not have affected other production systems

This Week

  • Very Busy. By the end of the week:
    • 19 node Hadoop cluster up @ San Jose
    • 100 Mac Minis up @ 650 Castro
    • 2 additional ISC hosted download mirrors (4TB, can hold the whole everything)
    • RF Shielded room up @ 650 Castro (network) (finger's crossed)


  • In Two Weeks 50 1u RelEng builders
  • Phoenix! Status
    • Met on-site last Friday, starting to plan for move-in Jan 25.
    • Need to make sure everything's arrived.
    • AboveNet (IP transit) is the longest lead item, pushing for a Jan 25 install

Release Engineering

  • Releases last week: Firefox 3.0.17, 3.5.7, and 3.6rc1; Fennec 1.0rc2.
    • 3.6RC1 was the first time we have ever run unittest and talos on a release build.
  • Lots of minis currently being imaged ahead of the upcoming Talos rebasing.
  • Firefox "Lorentz" branch being setup now. bug 536188


Test Execution

  • Tested and Shipped Fx3.6 RC. Test results here
  • Tested and Shipped Fennec 1.0rc2. Test results here
  • Tested and Shipped Fx3.5.7 / Fx3.0.17 to world

Web Dev Testing

Metrics, Accessibility, Localization, Community

  • Held the Mobile Firefox 1.0 Maemo RC Testday. Recap can be found here
  • Added all Testdays for Q1 on QMO
  • Henrik presenting Mozmill at FOSDEM 2010

Test Development

  • Still trying to land bug 530475, continues to pass on try server and fail when checked into m-c. Trying to track down an OOP plugin crash and a layout mochitest failure on linux. If anyone would like to help out, please ping jmaher.
  • Other weekly notes are here.


No updates this week.





  • Design Community Spotlight: Hamu
  • Five Years of Firefox & Creative Collective Challenge: Announcing winners today - stay tuned!
  • Community Marketing Call:
    • Notes & video from last week's call.
    • Next call is Jan 20th at 10 a.m. PDT/18:00 UTC
    • Please send Mary (mary @ mozilla) or Sarah (sarah @ mozilla) agenda items.

Campus Reps

  • First newsletter of 2010 coming out this week!


  • Foundations of Open Media Software January 13 - 15, 2010; Wellington, New Zealand.  Perfect venue to promote open video.  We are currently sponsoring this - Matthew Gregan, Chris Double and Chris Pearce will be attending and representing Mozilla.
  • Interaction10 (IxD10) February 4-7, 2010; Savannah, GA.  Labs looking into sponsoring this event. 
  • Techkriti, GNUnify - February 2010; India.  Seth and Arun will be in India during February to participate in a number of university based events.
  • SXSW Interactive 2010  March 12-16, 2010; Austin, Texas.  We have a small sponsorship and are hosting a Mozilla party on Saturday, March 13th from 6-8pm at the Cedar Door.  We will have more details on our party soon.  Please continue to check our wiki page for information.
  • ROFLCon April 30 - May  1, 2010; Boston, MA.  Looking into a joint sponsorship opportunity with the Mozilla Foundation to live stream the event with open video.





Developer Tools

  • None this week (keep an eye out next week :)


  • 76% compatibility with Firefox 3.6
  • AMO 5.5 launch tomorrow



Foundation Updates

  • No updates this week.
