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Video for today's meeting

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Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Upcoming Events

This Week

Monday, 22 March

Tuesday, 23 March

Wednesday, 24 March

Thursday, 25 March

Friday, 26 March

Next Week


The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.

Title Presenter Topic Media More Details
Fun Bugzilla Tools Atul Varma Some tools I made to make Bugzilla easier to use. dashboard user-finder bug-filer [ qexportbz bug]
Your Title Here Your Name Here What are you going to talk about? Links to slides or images you want displayed on screen Link to where audience can find out more information

Status Updates By Team



Branch work: Firefox 3.5.x / Firefox 3.6.x / Thunderbird 3.0.x

QA and release teams are quickly checking the risk of 1.9.2 patches, to see if we can get 3.6.2 out early this week.

Old Branch work: Firefox 3.0.x / Thunderbird 2.0.0.x


Last week:

  • 3.0.4 (includes survey & funnelcake infrastructure)
  • released
  • Plans for major update of 2.0.0.x users in progress

This week:

  • 3.1b2 string/feature freeze planned for tomorrow (Tuesday, at 23:59 Pacific)
    • At risk; will decide today whether or not to slip one week




  • Continuing graphs.mozilla.org issues bug 553590
    • Continue to see resource (memory) exhaustion issues
    • Hoping bug 554023 fixes the issues
  • ftp.mozilla.org / archive.mozilla.org
    • Was seeing NFS-related performance issues
    • Completed RAM upgrade Saturday

Release Engineering

  • enabled packaged tests for Linux 64 - blog post


Planned this week

QA General
  • Formulated requirements with utest for test case manager 2
  • QA Q2 goals first draft created, need to be posted
Test Execution
  • Fx3.6.2 needs some immediate testing attention and bug verications.
  • Lots of 3.7 Feature testing to be done. See our projects here.
  • Need to determine plan of action for Windows fennec testing
Test Automation
  • formalize Mozmill automation for Addons
Web QA
  • Pushing AMO on 3/23
  • Pushing SUMO 1.52 on 3/25
  • Pushing SUMO 1.53 on 3/30
  • More automated test writing and execution
  • Ship 0.6.0 version of Plugin Check. awaiting sec-review and bug 552249
QA Community

Accomplished last week

Test Execution
  • Multiple Test coverage this week on Fx.3.5.9, Fx3.6.2, and Fx3.7a3
    • Lift your glasses for a special goodbye coverage on Fx3.0.19, Tb2.0.0.24
  • Testing of Firefox 3.next projects are up in full swing. Test Plan is always updated. ping juanb or tchung for needed qa coverage of your areas.
  • Running through jetpack sdk tutorial
  • Fennec winmo support halted
Web QA
  • Shipped SUMO 1.5.2
  • Shipped a special [ emergency performance] edition of GetPersonas.com (Not Planned)
Crash Kill
QA Community

Automation & Tools

  • Completed Windows Mobile Test Framework
    • Ready to drop in Android for the platform
  • First pass at UI for crash automation and valgrind unittest automation is finished, but not on a permanent server yet.
  • HALReftest (hardware accelerated graphics) testing extension mac port completed, results database live, testing with D2D builds on windows this week.
  • Getting Android agent up to speed, now that WinMo effort has eclipsed
  • More notes here.





  • Developer Summit - Caching - April 5, 2010; Mountain View, CA.  We will have a meeting at Mozilla HQ to discuss caching in the browsers.
  • ROFLCon II April 30 - May  1, 2010; Boston, MA.  We have a join sponsorship with the Mozilla Foundation and will be live streaming and archiving the event with HTML5 open video.
  • Processing.js Boston - April 10, 2010; Boston, MA.  Looking into putting together an event with the Processing.js team.
  • JSConf.US April 17-18, 2010; Washington, DC.  We are sponsoring this event.  We will also have Mitcho, one of our Jetpack Ambassadors conducting a Jetpack talk and putting together Jetpack hacking session in the lounge.
  • e27 echelon 2010 June 1-2, 2010; Singapore.  Gen will be participating in this event.
  • GUADEC 2010 - July 24-30, 2010; Netherlands.  We are sponsoring at the bronze level.  More information to come soon.
  • Open Video Conference 2010 - Looking over sponsorship opportunities.

Creative Team

  • Cross-browser version of plugin check to be launched soon - will feature plugin check support for all modern browsers.
  • Launched 0.5 version of new user engagement page
  • Working with Happy Cog on IA review of web universe...more details and opportunities to weigh in with input coming soon.

Community Marketing

  • Open to Choice:
  • Facebook:
    • We hit 1 Million Firefox fans on Facebook - congrats everyone :)
    • We'll be featuring fan photos for the next few days.
    • See Tara's blog post.
  • Campus Reps:
    • We'll be launching a campus reps guide on studentreps.mozilla.org in Q2 that will be localized in at least 6 locales.
    • With this launch we're rebranding the program to "Student Reps" to better reflect the global makeup of the group.
    • See William Reynold's presentation on 3/17 for more details.
  • Community Marketing Call: Please see notes & video from last week's call. Next call is Wednesday March 31st at 10 a.m. PST/17:00 UTC. Please send agenda items to sarah@mozilla.com.
  • Community Spotlight/Best Practices: Please help us collect case studies on all the great stuff you've done from events to marketing campaigns to design work. Please submit it here.





  • Jetpack
    • SDK 0.2 tentatively scheduled for release this week
    • release is focused on bug fixes and OS support (particularly Windows)

Developer Tools

  • As of Friday, Bespin 0.7 ("Ped Xing") still had a couple of P1 bugs, so the release is now expected the week of the 22nd.



  • A cross browser version of the Plugin Check page is available on www-trunk. Please help us test this page and file a bug.


Introducing New Hires

  • Matt Brubeck (mbrubeck) joins the mobile front-end team, working remotely from Seattle.

Foundation Updates
