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Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Upcoming Events

This Week

Monday, 10 May

Tuesday, 11 May

Wednesday, 12 May

Thursday, 13 May

Friday, 14 May

  • Testday on the next version of AMO! Hop on over to #testday via irc.mozilla.org to join us!

Next Week


The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.

Title Presenter Topic Media More Details
Plugin Check: Cross Browser Functionality Laura Mesa Newest Release of Plugin Check now supports all modern browsers! http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/ Try it out yourself! http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/
Student Reps: Introducing Office Hours William Reynolds (remote, speaking via phone) Reps and community members now have times during the week to help each other on IRC http://bit.ly/repsOfficeHours #studentreps on IRC

Status Updates By Team


Branch work: Firefox 3.5.x / Firefox 3.6.x / Thunderbird 3.0.x

  • Found some issues in the last Firefox 3.6.4 build. Schedule is now TBD.
    • 3 blockers in Firefox code
    • 2 blockers with 3rd parties
    • 7 possible issues we are tracking. Could become blockers, likely pushed to 3.6.5
  • Firefox 3.5.10 went out out to beta audience, no issues to report yet
  • Thunderbird 3.0.5 builds hoped to start this week


  • Thunderbird 3.1RC1 is scheduled to code freeze on Friday.
  • Anyone interested in helping out, please ask in #maildev




Release Engineering

  • trees were closed all weekend and remain CLOSED
    • Windows build slaves have been disconnecting after 3 minutes: bug 555794
    • continue working with IT on a fix/workaround


QA Highlites
  • New Hires
    • Rebecca Billings starts in WebQA today, May 10
    • Interns
      • Ayan Shah, Browser Technologies, start today, May 10
      • Tanay Gavankar, WebQA start next Monday, May 17
  • Desktop Firefox QA
    • 3.6.4 beta build 2 delayed to Monday. We will determine what testing will be conducted for release.
    • Prepare for 3.5.10 release next week.
  • Mobile QA
    • Wrote plan for Waverly Software who will be performing testing of nightly fennec builds. Kick off meeting Tuesday May 11.
  • Weave 1.3
    • testing 1.3 build 5 client.
    • load testing with uTest delayed until Monday this week.
  • Web QA
    • Shipped/pushed AMO 5.10 - a monster of a release!
    • (And had to ship a followup 5.10.1 release to fix a few crashes
  • QA Services
    • Community
      • Working on promo video for QMO 2.0 launch

Automation & Tools

  • Rolling out Bug Hunter crash & unit test failure system, gave demo to developers last week
  • Working to iron out issues with Fennec + electrolysis unit tests this week
  • Meeting about rolling Addon Performance into Talos this week
  • Gave Design Lunch on Reviewboard/Splinter Bugzilla integration
  • More items here






  • e27 echelon 2010 June 1-2, 2010; Singapore.  Gen will be participating in this event.
  • LinuxTag 2010 June 9-12, 2010; funding from Mozilla Europe is secured; Mozilla staff and community will manage a 12m2 booth at Europe's largest Linux tech fair; Tristan Nitot, Paul Rouget and Brian King all confirmed to give keynote talks; Carsten Book and WQ leading community outreach and organization
  • Black Hat USA 2010 July 24-29, 2010; Las Vegas, NV - Look into putting together the "traditional" Mozilla milk & cookies party.
  • GUADEC 2010 - July 24-30, 2010; Netherlands.  We are sponsoring at the bronze level.  no Mozilla talks schedules.
  • Open Video Conference 2010 - October 1-2, 2010; New York, NY  - Looking over sponsorship opportunities.
  • BlogHer '10 - August 6-7, 2010 - Looking into sponsorship opportunities.
  • Renegade Craft Fair Chicago 2010 - September 11-12, 2010 - Looking into sponsorship opportunities.
  • London Add-ons Challenge (name TBC): Exploring two consumer-focused events in SF & London.

Creative Team

Community Marketing

  • Community Marketing Call: Join us on Wednesday for our bi-weekly call!
    • May 12th @ 10 a.m. PST/17:00 UTC. Please send agenda items to mary at mozilla dot com.
    • Labs overview w. Pascal Finette: Join us immediately overview of Labs. Including:
  • An update on some new projects including Account Manager
  • How to get involved
  • Student Reps
    • Now offering "office hours" for questions, catching up, etc. Details here.
    • Getting ready for l10n of new website. Reps will help with translating.





Developer Tools




Introducing New Hires

  • Rebecca Billings Sr. QA Eng, WebQA
  • Ayan Shah, QA Intern

Foundation Updates
