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Video for today's meeting

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Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Bear writes in, "given how much trouble/pain tinderbox has been these last days/week, I think the following should become Friends of the Tree:

  • nthomas - he pointed us in the direction that it might be old build data causing an issue
  • rhelmer - for diving into old crufty tinderbox code to fix load/scaling issues that he found after getting profile data of tinderbox
  • justdave - for enabling and being soo helpful in allowing rhelmer to do what he did

And from John O'Duinn,

  • jlazaro and henry and jabba in IT for using putty knives to open up mac minis and do RAM upgrades. They upgraded 81 mac minis in a week, doing batches at a time, so no downtime was needed. This need came up recently for OSX10.6 64bit build symbols. Super fast (and very tricky) work, thank you.

Upcoming Events

This Week

Monday, 16 August

  • Firefox 4 Beta 4 Code Freeze (likely early evening PT)

Tuesday, 17 August

Wednesday, 18 August

Thursday, 19 August

Friday, 20 August

Next Week

Product Status Updates

Firefox 4

  • Beta 3 shipped last week
  • Beta 4 code freeze is today
    • TabCandy has landed, but there are a couple of bad functional regressions we need to fix
    • Firefox Sync has landed
    • we're making a call on D2D on by default a little later today
  • Currently around 500k beta users

Firefox 3.6

Firefox 3.6.9

  • Code freeze was last Thursday. We had pretty decent convergence, though we are still tracking down some stragglers that missed code freeze
  • Bug verifications are ongoing, plan to create a build on August 23

Mobile Firefox

  • Working to get in the last remaining bugs for alpha. All have patches, waiting on reviews


Older Branch Work

Firefox 3.5.12

  • See the status for Firefox 3.6 above


  • Big news for Drumbeat this week: milestone for WebMadeMovies project
  • WMM is an open video lab aimed at producing awesome reference implementations and demos that showcase what open video and HTML5 can do
  • Today the project is publicly launching its first major demo at drumbeat.org, showcasing early work on popcorn.js, a javascript library that enables video to interact with the rest of the web -- mashing up Google Maps, image feeds, Twitter accounts and other semantic data right into video.
  • Check it out at drumbeat.org/webmademovies


The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.

Title Presenter Topic Media More Details
Mozilla Labs Gaming: Game On! Pascal Finette The Teaser The Site Coming soon...
Tours @ Mozilla! Mary Colvig Sign up/overview of tours Please let me know if you'd like one + want to help!

Status Updates By Team






Release Engineering


QA Org Highlights
  • Browser Technologies
    • Weave 1.4.4 tested and shipped to AMO in 2 1/2 hours
  • Desktop Firefox
    • Testday completed Friday covering Firefox Sync, TabCandy and Mozmill. 34 bugs reported.
  • QA Services
    • Community
      • Tomcat sent out request to nightly testers to join a mailing list to better inform testers on the current issues and test focus for Firefox nightly builds.

Automation & Tools

  • Almost completed a formal Tools staging area setup which will help us turn around new test frameworks and talos suites more efficiently
  • CrossWeave found several good sync bugs last week, working with the Sync team to formalize the interactions they'd like to see from that tool
  • We have an early profile management tool completed in alpha. It's currently undergoing very focused usability and UI testing - ping ctalbert or jgriffin if you'd like a link to the tool. We will go to a public alpha once we finalize the UI this week.
  • We also released Mozmill 1.4.2 beta 4 last week.
  • We did a demo of Bug Hunter - our automatic crash reproduction tool last week. It's currently finding many crashes and we're ensuring bugs are filed against those.
  • More notes are here.





Creative Team

Community Marketing


  • Lots of movement on Firefox 4 documentation the past week.
  • Please be sure to add the dev-doc-needed keyword to any bugs that may impact documentation, even if they're not fixed yet!



  • The metrics team is currently collecting logs for our production Hadoop and Hbase cluster inside HIVE. More info at http://bit.ly/hive_flume
  • Mozilla properties can now import their logs in near real-time inside HIVE and query using HQL (SQL'ish language)
  • HIVE can be used for querying the log data thereby improving our ability to make decisions based on data.
  • It's a work in progress, data won't be lost but might not work as intended on first attempt.
  • Contact us if you would like to import your data.



Developer Tools

  • A number of refinements to the Web Console landed on trunk in time for Firefox 4 beta 4.
  • Good progress has been made on many aspects of the new Inspector tool. Expect to see a much nicer Inspector in beta 5.




Introducing New Hires

  • Lloyd Hilaiel (Staff Engineer - Mozilla Labs)
  • Margaret Leibovic (Firefox)

Foundation Updates
