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Video for today's meeting

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Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Upcoming Events

This Week

  • Mozilla QA is holding a work week through Friday. The schedule of events is located here. Welcome to Mt. View all the Mozilla QA remotees!
  • The Gecko Platform Team is holding a work week through Friday.
  • The Socorro (crash statistics) team is holding a work week.
  • Direct employees of the Mozilla Foundation are on site this week.

Monday, 13 September

Tuesday, 14 September

Wednesday, 15 September

  • Firefox 4 Beta 6 Code Freeze is scheduled
    • we will be discussing branch mechanics at the Tuesday meeting, but it is likely that this will also be the Gecko 2.0 branch point from mozilla-central

Thursday, 16 September

Friday, 17 September

Next Week

  • Mozilla IT has requested a long downtime on the weekend, either Saturday or Sunday, in order to upgrade network infrastructure at the 650 Castro Office. This would require that mozilla-central be closed.

Product Status Updates

Firefox 4

  • beta 6 code freeze moved from last Friday to this Wednesday
  • JaegerMonkey landed on mozilla-central, is now part of nightly builds
  • beta 6 is still planned as Feature Freeze
    • no new user interface features to be added after this beta
    • no new web platform features to be added after this beta
    • no new strings to be added after this beta without l10n approval
    • no platform API changes to be added after this beta without driver approval

Firefox 3.6

Firefox 3.6.9 & 3.5.12

  • Investigating a possible startup crash regression in 3.6.9/3.5.12 (bug 594699)
  • Investigating personas plus issue (bug 590978) and possible fixes

Firefox 3.6.10 & 3.5.13

  • Schedule is in flux due to 3.6.9 investigations
  • We have been marking bugs as blockers and approving patches
    • Please get your blockers in early!

Mobile Firefox


  • Account provisioning and pluggable storage feature work is ongoing.
  • Shipped Thunderbird 3.1.3
  • Halted 3.1.3 automatic updates due to startup crasher bug 594699
  • Analysis about how to move forward in-progress

Older Branch Work



The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.

Title Presenter Topic Media More Details
Castro Downtime (Sept 18/19) Ravi Pina Upcoming downtime for Castro based Talos/builders
RelEng infrastructure load joduinn developers are busy! If using TryServer, please select what exact jobs you want using https://wiki.mozilla.org/Build:TryChooser - dont waste CPU cycles http://oduinn.com/blog/2010/09/09/infrastructure-load-for-august-2010/
Mozilla & You Newsletter Eve Murto New Mainstream User Newsletter http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/about/newsletter/2010-09/
Interactive Firefox 4 Heatmap Blake Cutler & Chris Jung Visualizing Usage of the Firefox 4 Beta UI heatmap.mozillalabs.com

Status Updates By Team




  • Thunderbird add-on experiments ongoing



Last Couple Weeks

  • Amsterdam datacenter moved.
  • input.mozilla.com & Fx4 releases. This site gets significantly more traffic than we had projected. Working on moving it off shared infrastructure.

This Week

  • Castro Office Downtime - Saturday/Sunday
    • Will affect all Talos and builders in the Castro Street office
    • Upgrading office firewall & Aruba wireless controller
    • Outage will last ~6 hours
  • mozilla.org & DNSSEC
  • bugzilla.mozilla.org active/active between San Jose & Phoenix.

Release Engineering


QA Org Highlights
  • Hiring
    • David Burns, accepted offer. Starts 10/25/2010.
  • Browser Technologies
    • Fennec 2.0 Beta 1 code freeze pushed out until 9/14. Continuing to test nightlies on supported devices
    • Jetpack 0.8 tested and shipped this week
    • Encountered a settings bug 594178 in the test pilot study (about:firefox) that broke the home button on beta 5.
      • A meeting is setup next week by chris jung to discuss QA/Dev testing and additional process needed
  • Desktop Firefox
    • Firefox 4 Beta 5 Shipped!
    • preparing for Firefox 3.6.9 and 3.5.12 final releases and release process

Automation & Tools

  • 13,000 Test results submitted for Grafx Bot since the beta 5 release
    • only 2 crashes, sifting through the results, will blog later this week
  • Profile manager is now ready for review, will be submitting for review
  • We're throwing a war on orange coffee and doughnut discussion this week in honor of the platform work week. Friday at 10am.
  • More info here





Creative Team

Community Marketing




When the "Good News"'ll be annouced ?

(And when "the true news" 'll be ?)

I know it's not a forum, so, please let me knonw...



Developer Tools

  • The Inspector tool, which has been appearing in Firefox 4 beta releases, has been moved to the next Firefox release in order to give it more time to bake.
  • The Web Console tool is looking good for the next Firefox beta.
  • The Bespin project is now known as Mozilla Skywriter and its repository has moved to GitHub. Follow our updates on Twitter: @MozSkywriter




Introducing New Hires

Foundation Updates
