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Video for today's meeting

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Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Upcoming Events

This Week

Monday, 04 October

Tuesday, 05 October

Wednesday, 06 October Join us at 10 a.m. PDT/17:00 UTC for our bi-weekly marketing call hosted from Mountain View. Agenda items here. Call hosted on the marketing channel on Air Mozilla.

Thursday, 07 October

Friday, 08 October

Saturday, 09 October MDN Documentation Sprint at the Mozilla Paris office. Runs through Monday, 11 October. Contact jswisher at mozilla dot com for details. http://hacks.mozilla.org/2010/10/mdn-documentation-sprint-for-web-standards/

Next Week

Product Status Updates

Firefox 4

  • Code freeze for Beta 7 imminent
    • GC compartments passing tests now, landing on m-c soon
    • resolved a bunch of issues around updating users to 64-bit builds on OSX
    • most blockers have patches and are ready to land
  • Tree will be metered when it re-opens

Firefox 3.6 and 3.5

  • Have builds, QA is testing and qualifying
  • Releasing 3.6.11 to beta (throttled) today
  • Releasing 3.5.14 to beta (throttled) tomorrow
  • Intend to release the advertised update for 3.0/3.5→3.6.10 this week, tentatively on Wednesday

Mobile Firefox

  • Beta 1 RC is being tested
  • Beta 1 expected to be released this week


  • Account provisioning work continuing
  • 3.0.9 and 3.1.5 maintenance release builds started, going to the beta channel shortly.
  • Started surveying Thunderbird contributors about their contribution experience & motivations


  • This weekend's Open Video Conference now wrapping up. Big success. Kudos to Ben Moskowitz and the Mozilla team. Sessions on everything from real-time coding of HTML5 video players, to Stanford and Yale law school lectures on copyright, to Karaoke Crime.
  • Interesting discussions now underway with big names in documentary production and public media
  • Question: Now that we've had successful events two years running, what should be done in the months between? What should OVA be doing? Mozilla? Stay what it is? Grow?


The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.

Title Presenter Topic Media More Details
Socorro Update Laura Thomson Socorro status Links to slides or images you want displayed on screen Link to where audience can find out more information

Status Updates By Team






Release Engineering


QA Org Highlights
  • recruiting
    • Career Fair and Tech Talk on Oct 4-7 at Florida Inst Tech (melbourne, FL)
  • WebQA
  • Browser Technologies
    • Tested and shipped Jetpack 0.8
  • Desktop Firefox
    • Fx 4 Beta 7: Code freeze delay. Holding pattern for test execution.
  • Community
    • Good blog post regarding future of bugdays by Anthony H.
    • TCM project
      • Finish mock-ups creation

Automation & Tools

  • Talos is now in Hg!
  • Talos support for Android landed this morning, thanks to anode, jmaher, aki, and bear, and the entire releng team for a last minute downtime.
  • Android tracemonkey unit tests are running and reporting but are blocked by bug 601188
  • War on Orange bug is filed: bug waronorange. Watch that for status updates as we bring up the tracking system for this effort. We will hand the log parsers off to metrics this week (likely tomorrow).
  • More information available here





  • Community Marketing Call: Join us this Wednesday, Oct. 7th at 10 a.m. PDT/17:00 UTC for our bi-weekly marketing call hosted from Mountain View. There are sure to be surprises in store.
    • Please put agenda items + questions here.
    • How to join:
      • Dial-in Info: +1.650.903.0800, followed by 92# and then 7391#
      • Or you can use our toll-free number: +1.800.707.2533, followed by 369# and then 7391#. If you're outside the US, use Skype to call in with our toll-free number.
      • You can also watch the meeting live in Open Video at air mozilla
      • For those that can't make the call or want to participate online, join us in #marketing on IRC (irc.mozilla.org).


Creative Team





Developer Tools




  • Firefox 4 beta 7 work, including product l10n and web 1l0n
  • Branching prep and work
  • Firefox Home 1.0.3
  • Fennec work
  • Gandalf has been working on L20n development
  • Stas has been working on code for the set of Django apps we use to help manage l10n workflow

Introducing New Hires

Foundation Updates

  • Anant Narayanan is back! (@Labs)
