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Video for today's meeting

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Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Newcomer Jiten Thakkar (deLta30 on IRC) has fixed several non-trivial platform bugs in the past month. Say hi and thank you if you see him!

Upcoming Events

This Week

Monday, 24 October

Tuesday, 25 October

  • GTAC (Google Test Automation Conference) Meet & Greet Mixer

Wednesday, 26 October

Thursday, 27 October

  • Brown Bag: User Research - Findings from Q3
  • 12pm PST
  • We'll be presenting the findings of 3 case studies that we preformed over the last quarter.

Friday, 28 October

  • Tobias Markus Final Presentation
  • 1 pm PDT
  • Intern Final Presentation - topic is TBD.

Next Week

Product Status Updates

Firefox Future (8, 9, 10)

  • Migration day is only three Tuesdays away, but I'm going to hand off this week's update to mobile because OMGMOBILE.

Firefox Current (3.5, 3.6, 4.0 - 7.0)

  • We are doing a Firefox 3.6.24, shipping with Firefox 8
    • You might get contacted to land backported security fixes, please do so ASAP
  • Firefox 3.6 → 7+ advertised is postponed, more details coming soon

Mobile Firefox

  • Just finished a mobile work week in Toronto
  • Progress is happening quickly on the Native UI
  • We don't have nightly updates yet, but if you want a point in time snapshot to poke at, point a QR code reader at this:


(And if you don't have a QR code reader - go get one so that next week when we have real nightlies with updates, you can point your reader at *that* code instead)

Nightlies (without update feature) are here: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/mobile/nightly/latest-birch-android/


Is Thunderbird Pretty Yet? (tl;dr - Not yet, but we're working on it. :)


No voice update this week


The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.

Presenter Topic Media More Details
Your Name Here What are you going to talk about? Links to slides or images you want displayed on screen Link to where audience can find out more information

Status Updates By Team






Release Engineering


Test Execution
QA Community
Automation Services

Automation & Tools



Security Reviews Scheduled for this week

Date / Time Item
Mon Oct 24 / 10:00 PST CSS 3D Transforms & bug 505115
Wed Oct 26 / 13:00 PST Sync Push to Device

Calendar and Meeting details

General Meeting Details
* IRC Channel: #security
* Etherpad: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/secreview
* Dial-in Info:
** In office or soft phone: extension 92
** US/INTL: 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 then extension 92
** Toronto: 416-848-3114 then extension 92
** Toll-free: 800-707-2533 then password 369
** Conference num 624




Creative Team

Community Marketing





Developer Tools




Introducing New Hires

  • Amy Tsay: joining the Add-ons team, managed by Justin Scott, located in the Mountain View office.
  • Gregg Lind: joining the User Research team, managed by Jinghua Zhang, located in Minneapolis, MN.
  • Frank Lee: joining the Products team, managed by Ragavan Srinivasan, located in Vancouver, BC Canada.
  • Gregor Wagner: joining the DOM team, managed by Johnny Stenback, located in the San Francisco office.
  • Barry Munsterteiger: joining the Developer Engagement team, managed by Stormy Peters, located in San Francisco office

Introducing a New Intern

  • Santiago Hollmann, Engagement Team (and longtime rep for Mozilla in South America)

Foundation Updates
