Services/Meetings/2011-08-09: Difference between revisions

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* Syncorro making progress, expecting experimental add-on this week.
* Syncorro making progress, expecting experimental add-on this week.
* Send URI to device waiting on UX
* Send URI to device waiting on UX
* Sync EOL pushed to dev + AMO staging

=== Server (Tarek) ===
=== Server (Tarek) ===

Revision as of 16:25, 9 August 2011

  • Time: Tuesday at 9:15 AM PST / 12:15 PM EST / 5:15 PM UTC.
  • Place: Mozilla HQ, North Bridge
  • Phone (US/Intl): 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (Toronto): 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (US): 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf: 8616#

Who's away?: .



Core Server Platform

Roadmap (Toby)

Big Lebowski (rtilder)


Client (philikon/rnewman)

  • Two small bugs gone through the train:
  • Favicon sync making progress. Spent some time with bbondy; he's got a vested interested in an async API and observers. Should be good.
  • Setup improvement work is ramping up. ally and rnewman coordinating.
  • Syncorro making progress, expecting experimental add-on this week.
  • Send URI to device waiting on UX
  • Sync EOL pushed to dev + AMO staging

Server (Tarek)

Two things to test on the load test infra once Ops have finished the servers changes

  • killing sql queries on worker restarts
  • credentials cache


Client/Server (JR/Paul)

  • Deep review of the server/client code.
  • Wrote quick tech doc describing interaction points
    • identified potential points of concern for notifications system (rabbitmq stability, lack of filtering, etc.)
  • Wind down for Paul.

Beta Channel

Program Launch (mconnor)


Testing and Sign-offs (tracy)

  • This weeks client train was a small change set. It has already passed sign-off.
  • Working with Waverly to get the testing scenarios run across platform/builds for phase 1 of the extension EOL. They are 10 hours ahead, and we are having some issues with the staging of 1.8. As such, we are targeting sign-off by Wednesday morning, Waverly's end of day.

FunkLoad Scripts (ocoutts)

No update.

Sync Server (jbonacci)

  • Planning continues for next Sync Server weekly train, which now looks like it will be a "four-train" train:
    • Bug 676109 - Deploy storage server 1.10-1 to staging
    • Bug 670946 - Release train bug for server-core 2.0
    • Bug 676296 - Production push request for server-node-assignment rpm-1.0-1
    • Bug 676351 - Deploy sreg server rpm-1.0-1 to production
    • Still need to coordinate Load Test in parallel with QA work for next train.
  • Planning continues for new Stage/QA environment, although all prereqs and tickets should be resolved:
    • Link to Stage env details:
    • Will need a little more time to review/test drive the environment prior to next weekly Train, time permitting.
      • Preliminary access and review is done - need to get information about VIP support, if any
  • Need to review some patches and documentation sent to me from Tarek:
    • [Bug 677496] introduce release candidates : [Attachment 551724] patch to the doc that explains the rc process
    • [Bug 677496] introduce release candidates : [Attachment 551725] patch to the doc that explains the rc process
    • [Bug 677344] Implement dev/stage/prod channels : [Attachment 551738] doc about how to use channels

TPS (jgriffin)

Deployment Requests

4 carryovers: Bug 676109 - Storage server Bug 670946 - Account Portal Bug 676296 - Node Assignment Bug 676351 - Sreg


Reports and Monitoring (daniel)



Firefox 6

Firefox 7






Q3 Goals

Notes and actions

Follow ups from last week

Other issues