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add link to any permanent documentation for the team or projects
add link to any permanent documentation for the team or projects
A link to a page that contains out of date projects, resources etc. Things we don't want to lose the links to, but are not currently relevant.

Revision as of 14:10, 11 August 2011

Browser Technologies QA Team Overview

As mobile and Web Services become more prominent in the mozilla project, QA continues to strive to cover and test the projects forthcoming. The current projects with coverage include Test Pilot, Firefox Sync, Jetpack, and Mobile Firefox.

Team Details

Provide explanation of how the team is composed. Does it consist of only Mozilla employees? Does the Team depend on part time resources of other team members

The QA team of Web services and mobile, guided by Tony Chung, coordinates a various set of tasks from feature test development to release testing on different platforms. Since many of these groups are still under 2 years old, there are still developmental progress with automation support and conducted processes. In addition, there are some outsourced work that run nightly smoketests and bug verifications on an ongoing basis.

Team Pages

Team Homepage
Mobile QA
Services QA


The Browser Technologies mission is two-fold, we aim to improve the quality of Firefox and finely tune it for mobile devices as well as drive the testing efforts for all the Mozilla Labs projects, web services and web apps. As Mobile, Web Services, Labs, and Web Apps become more prominent in the Mozilla project, QA continues to strive to cover and test the projects forthcoming.

Photo Name Location IRC
Aaron Train Canada AaronMT

Tony Chung United States tchung
#qa, #sync, #mobile, #openwebapps
JAB IMG 0351b.jpeg
James Bonacci United States jbonacci
#qa, #sync, #identity
Tracy Walker United States tracy
#qa, #sync, #labs
2924835ab92aa8c8a5ed8a99f3042284.jpg Owen Coutts United States ocoutts
#qa, #sync, #mozmill, #interns
Kevin Brosnan United States kbrosnan
11 Martijn 270.jpg
Martijn Wargers Netherlands mw22
#mobile, #qa, #developers
Naoki Hirata United States nhirata
#mobile, #qa, #fxhome


  • Fennec (Firefox): 6.0 (android) targeting release 3rd week of August 2011
  • Firefox Sync: --
  • Test Pilot: --
  • Jetpack: --
  • Firefox Home: --



bi-monthly status meetings

 Dial In: 800-707-2533 conf 265
 Every other thursday at 1pm PDT
 Zombocom Conference Room (3rd Floor) #qa for backchannel

Team Goals

Current Projects

This section should contain a list to the active current team project page. The section will be included as part of the top level QA organization page.

Project Description
Fennec 8.0 Test Plan Mobile Firefox QA site summarizing Test Strategy, Feature set, assignments, Milestone Testplans, and schedules
Fennec 7.0 Test Plan Mobile Firefox QA site summarizing Test Strategy, Feature set, assignments, Milestone Testplans, and schedules
Fennec 6.0 Test Plan Mobile Firefox QA site summarizing Test Strategy, Feature set, assignments, Milestone Testplans, and schedules
Firefox Sync Test Plan Firefox Sync site (both extension and Integrated feature) summarizing Test strategy, testcases, Milestone testplans, and schedules
Test Pilot Test Plan Test Pilot QA site summarizing Test strategy, testcases, Milestone testplans, and schedules
Jetpack Test Plan Jetpack QA site summarizing Test strategy, testcases, Milestone testplans, and schedules
[Firefox Home 2 Test Plan] Firefox Home 2 (aka Iphone Sync App) site summarizing Test strategy, testcases, Milestone testplans, and schedules

Upcoming Projects

This section should contain a list of Upcoming Projects across different teams.


Project Description
Device Compatibility Test Plan Tracks Tests and Full device list of compatibility with Mobile Firefox
Website Compatibility Test Plan Tracks top Website compatibility with Mobile Firefox
Performance Benchmarking Test Plan Tracking performance benchmarking numbers for Startup times and Page Loads
Mobile Addon for Unit Testing Automation Project to run unit tests via a test-harness addon and disperse via crowdsourcing techniques


This section should contain a list to the active current team project page. The section will be included as part of the top level QA organization page.

Project Description QA Owner
Firefox Sync Test Plan Firefox Sync site (both extension and Integrated feature) summarizing Test strategy, testcases, Milestone testplans, and schedules Tracy
Sync Server Test Plan Sync Server and Client Test Plans, Grinder information, and Smoke Test Information (this Test Plan needs to be completely reworked for Sync 1.1 and future projects) Tony/John
BrowserID Test Plan BrowserID allows users with a verified email address against Mozilla platform to request access to websites Tony/John
[AITC and TokenServer Test Plan] AITC and Token Server Tony/John
Syncorro Project to automatically gather sync logging data and reporting Tracy
Notifications Spec Push notifications from the cloud to the browser and other 3rd party clients TBD
Firefox Share Test Plan A feature for the browser that allows you to share links in a fast and fun way. One is able to share links from within the browser without leaving the page using the same services one already know and uses TBD
Load Test Refactoring Refactoring current Grinder tests to support functional tests with FunkLoad environment Owen


Project Description
Selenium 2 Automation For Addons Builder Test Plan Creating Selenium 2 Automation tests for Addons Builder

Community Contribution

Anyone can participate. There are several ways in which YOU can participate:

  • File bugs
  • Triage bugs (confirm existing bugs and assign them to the right buckets)
  • Help test new features
  • Write test cases
  • Plan new features testing
  • Help others who want to get involved.


Reference Links

add links to pertinent wiki pages, blogs, dev project pages, internet sites etc. If team has a number of projects, then it may be more appropriate to list reference links that are specific to the project in the project page itself.


add link to any permanent documentation for the team or projects