L10n:Planning/2012-11-05: Difference between revisions

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=== Jeff ===
=== Jeff ===
planned for this week:
planned for this week:
*[]Catch up on email and assignment progress.
*[]Logistics for mozcamp Asia and Utah work week.
*[]Work out post-LocWorld next steps.
**[]Pathway for LSP contributions.
**[]Next steps for dev and standardization partners (e.g., GALA, Amazon, Translators without Borders)
*[]Create documentation plan for L20n.
**[]Formalize in wiki doc
*[]Planning for Doc Sprint & YouTube screencast initiative.
*[]Work on l20n/Pontoon article for Multilingual Mag with Stas.
done last week:
done last week:
*[Done]Contacted sheppy about getting MDN help for documenting l20n.
*[Done]Contacted Translators without Borders, working out collaboration plan.
*[Done][https://l10n.etherpad.mozilla.org/team-health-assessments Plan out l10n team health checkin for q4 and begin setting up calls by Wed.]
**[Done]Review wiki teams template to add history log section for team health assessments.
=== Matjaž ===
=== Matjaž ===
planned for this week:
planned for this week:

Revision as of 15:47, 5 November 2012

Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

« previous meetingindexnext week » create?

Previous Action Items

  • Axel to draft communication about string freeze
  • stas to talk to releng, drafting next steps for localized builds
  • stas to review strings in b2g
  • Axel/Milos to follow-up on progress on l10n dashboard coverage bug 805057 impacting malay, review on patch for bug 799944 (from L10n:Weekly/2012-10-31)
    • no solution to the all-locales bug 805057
    • Pike found various things for the Vietnamese update, and gave the patch in bug 799944 an r-


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees:
  • Put your talking points here.

Action Items




planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • []Catch up on email and assignment progress.
  • []Logistics for mozcamp Asia and Utah work week.
  • []Work out post-LocWorld next steps.
    • []Pathway for LSP contributions.
    • []Next steps for dev and standardization partners (e.g., GALA, Amazon, Translators without Borders)
  • []Create documentation plan for L20n.
    • []Formalize in wiki doc
  • []Planning for Doc Sprint & YouTube screencast initiative.
  • []Work on l20n/Pontoon article for Multilingual Mag with Stas.

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • same as last week

done last week:

  • worked on meeting impossible deadlines for multiple last minute projects (big and small ones)


planned for this week:

done last week:

  • broke l10n nightlies
  • fixed l10n nightlies
  • Wes to create many-locales mobile builds
  • reviews


planned for this week:

done last week: