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  • Time: Tuesday at 9:15 AM PST / 12:15 PM EST / 5:15 PM UTC.
  • Place: Mozilla HQ, North Bridge
  • Phone (US/Intl): 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (Toronto): 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (US): 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf: 8616#

Who's away?: .



  • PHP baselining this week
  • Py baselining scheduled for next week
    • Will involve Tarek


Account Registration/Management

Python Registration Server (reg/sreg) (Tarek)

  • minor changes in progress

Account Portal (Toby)

Node Assignment (Toby)


Python Sync Server (Tarek)

  • waiting for the load test infrastructure

PHP Sync Server (Toby)

Setting up dev to have this so we can mess with utf8 passwords

Sync Client (philikon/rnewman)

  • treading along on
    • platform improvements (philikon)
    • async APIs (rnewman, philikon)
    • instant sync (marina)


Server (JR)

  • Continued meetings re: Id server protocol.
    • cert final format near resolution (hopefully)
  • reworked ID server to not use PEM after all.
  • installed server to id1 (memory model for now)
    • debugging a few LDAP issues.
  • working on redis storage backend

Client (ddahl)

System Management

Big Lebowski (rtilder)

Need to get code to Tarek for review.


Engineering (Paul/JR)

  • talked with Tod re: notifications and apps integration.
  • Paul working on getting a client running and installable for others to play with.


Testing and Sign-offs (tracy)

  • no scheduled client or server deployment work this week
  • new Services QA hire starting June 20th: James Bonacci
  • working on testplanning for new Sync features (Improvements Page, InstantSync)

Automated Testing (jgriffin, ocoutts)

Grinder Scripts (ocoutts)
  • Refactoring Scripts to create a more consistent api interface.
  • Refactoring to create a config file where all settings live including what the probability of each type of test run will be.

Deployment Requests


Reports and Monitoring (daniel)



Firefox 6

  • Sync Discovery verified in Places.


  • Instant Sync: Development in progress. Looking to see if it will land for Firefox 7
  • Sync Setup Improvements: going through UX discussions
  • Sync Brown Bag in the next week - Jennifer will work with folks
  • Sync Add-on End of Life plan will go out today
  • Work with stakeholders on fleshing out P2 features and beyond



6/6/2011 stats: Sync
Mobile ADUs: 122,922 (27,316 x 4.5) (-.02%) (3% of total Sync accounts, 28% of active mobile users)
Desktop ADUs: 973,880 (-9%) (29% of total Sync accounts)

EOY Goal - mobile: 375k active mobile sync users


Notes and actions

Follow ups from last week

Other issues