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  • Time: Tuesday at 9:15 AM PST / 12:15 PM EST / 5:15 PM UTC.
  • Place: Mozilla HQ, Sick Bay (Vidyo room "Services")
  • Phone (US/Intl): 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 98616#
  • Phone (Toronto): 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 98616#
  • Phone (US): 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf: 98616#

Who's away?: ….




Metrics (rmiller)

- Further logstash output work completed - Add'l development on mozsvc / metlog integration - Design / planning re: metlog-py roadmap - Testing and packaging for HDFS back end components - New RPMs delivered for next round of load testing

SyncStorage (rfkelly)

Queuey (bbangert)

Token Server (tarek)

Last Week

  • Implemented the snode/sreg part of tokenserver
  • plugged it with pyvep via repoze.who.plugins.vepauth
  • deployed http://token{1,2}
  • powerhose *master* is now included in tokenserver (off by default)
  • worked on wrapping up circus - license issues pending

This week

  • create the powerhose c++ worker for the tokenserver (to do JWT verifications)
  • finish the implementation of the certificate reloading
  • finish the implementation of the secret key loading + need investigation in PyVEP
  • deploy second box
  • test the ldap code against a real ldap infrastructure
  • add cache support for the tokenserver

Cornice (tarek)

Sauropod (rtilder)

Big Lebowski (rtilder)


Firefox Sync (gps)

  • Add-on sync bug fix bug 712542.
  • Sync 2.0 branch work in Git

Android Sync (rnewman)


Bipostal (jrconlin)

  • Added draft MAC auth code to notifications (Need to expand python and js to full libraries and add third party testing harnesses)
  • Bunch of Notifications crossover work.
  • Activated "disable" feature to addresses in bipostal.
  • Meeting with badida today to discuss integration work for Bipostal as BID plugin.

Client/Server (jbalogh)

  • working on notifications as a restartless add-on
  • starting the battle with the Data Safety Council

Beta Channel

Program Launch (mconnor)


Testing and Sign-offs (tracy)

  • testing Android code drop .5
  • working on automation in sikuli
  • preparing videos for community engagement.

Sync Server (jbonacci)

  • Testing continues as needed for any Sync Server deployments and Change/Maintenance Windows.
  • Test scripts are in progress for running curl against rfkelly's Sync 2.0 setup
  • QA test planning in in progress for the following projects:
    • MetLog
    • BiPostal
    • Sync 2.0 with Token Server

BrowserID (jbonacci)

  • Actively working on Train 21 in Stage:
    • Bug 727995 - QA and deploy BrowserID train-2012.02.16 to production
    • Main focus on this train, again, is support for primaries, UX, localization

BrowserID automation (jrgm)

TPS (jgriffin)

Deployment Requests



Reports and Monitoring (daniel)



Firefox 10

Firefox 11

Firefox 12

Firefox 13






2012Q1 Goals

2012Q2 Goals


Notes and actions

Follow ups from last week

Other issues